
What do you think of lollygaggers (people who take their sweet time doing something)?

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I see it all over the place: the cashier who moseys around to bag you whilst chatting up a colleague. The person crossing the street who ambles by, seemingly unconcerned that you need to get someplace within the decade. The shopper parked with cart next to entrance and is very pokey as she barely moves forward. I don't think it's impatience to desire the public to light a fire under themselves, is it?




  1. I see where you're coming from.

    However, you need to realize that everyone moves at different speeds in life.  It might be annoying but that's the way it is.  We all have pet peeves and this is one of yours.

    I don't "lollygag" but I know that there are people who do.  It's just part of realizing that many people behave in ways much differently from myself.  People who do the things you mentioned are not being conscious of their actions in most cases.  This seems inconsiderate and rude to others, but in reality the person is not deliberately being rude.  They simply move at a slower pace.  In the case of some cashiers, I certainly agree.  The focus should be on helping the customers...not socializing with coworkers.

    I hate being rushed and I become annoyed with people who try to rush me so that their agenda can go smoothly.  My husband is sort of impatient.  He is a very nice person, but he doesn't understand that everyone has different ways of doing things.  I do things at a different pace than he does and I have my own methods.  He likes to do things in a very quick, abrupt, hurried way.  He has no patience when driving.  He is painfully time-conscious.  He became annoyed at me once when I lingered in a bookstore five minutes longer than the "allotted" time.  

    I'm not a slowpoke but I've never understood people who expect others to hurry around constantly.  I'm not saying you're like this, of course.  :)    It just stresses me out.   As long as I know I'm not trying to inconvenience somebody, I move at my own pace.  Being impatient really won't make the other person change what they do.  Just accept it as one of the many annoying things that people do differently from yourself and don't stress over it.  You'll be better off, trust me.

  2. I'm okay with them

  3. da dump da dump da dump da dump da dump da a da da da.dd

  4. It used to make me wait for anyone to get out of my way...get ready to go somewhere...answer my question.

    My beloved husband required neurospinal surgery and now uses a walker to get about and devices to assist him in buttoning his shirt and signing his name...I'm not in such a hurry any more...I'll wait for as long as it takes rather than be without him.

  5. I actually feel the same way.  A few days ago, a woman in her 60's stopped a guy in his 40's in the middle of the grocery store entrance.  OK.  We aren't in some small town where we say "Howdy neighbor!"  He's trying to get in to go shopping, and she's just yapping away.

    I like to do most of my errands when I know our senior citizens won't be shopping but I also know the mother with the 3 children all under the age of 10 won't be shopping either.  I hate playing dodge the cart.

  6. Well i see this all the time myself.There are times and places where itis not good to do this yet there are times its ok to be a little slow.We had a man who worked for us and boy was he slow but when he finished it was done right and no mistakes so i guess in some areas its ok to be slow and in others not a good idea for sure.Life goesby pretty fast and i guess just to slow down sometimes is a good thing

  7. i think that all we have is time so why not make it last

  8. These people drive me crazy if I have to work with them or drive behind them.  They seem so unmotivated at work, they are just downers.  Don't even get me started on those who are driving.

  9. Yes - it's infuriating when people take their sweet time, *knowing* that people are waiting for them, and I agree that it is sometimes a passive aggressive act....and other times, it's just plain self-centeredness.  Either way, they suck.

  10. You can't rush genius.

  11. I'd have to think that if you think every one else around you is too slow, then you're probably just going too fast.

  12. I know it's annoying when a cashier is not attending to checking you out -  and they are also  talking to other attendants, talking on the phone, running down their employer, etc  - especially when you are in a big hurry with deadlines to meet ... and in all actuality - their actions are probably against company policy  .. but they do it anyway.

    Some people are naturally slower than other people.   Other people do not live a hustle-bussle life of hurrying all the time - and they do not rush.  And .. some people are just inconsiderate - but mostly do not care.

    The way anyone conducts themselves is their choice.  If people are confronted - most people will get offended and/or angry.

    I have tried to acquire lots more patience with things such as this.    Why ? .. because it is everywhere .. and there is no controlling it.    It can just ruin a person's day, everyday,  to let it get to them.   No person can control what another person does .. no matter how annoying it is.

  13. I absolutely hate that too. I think the world be a very productive place if time was used efficiently. But then, a lot of people survive in their mundane and monotonous life by doing stuff like that (i.e. chat while packing the stuff, etc).

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