
What do you think of love at an early age?

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Im turning 14, my boyfriend turned 15 acouple months ago. We've been out with afew people, but they weren't the ones. Some may say 'you young ones dont even know what love is' but actually most of us do. We can't get each other out of our heads (distracting during class obviously), we want to spend our whole lives together, and we're pretty committed in the relationship. We tell each other everything, do mostly everything together, and you get the point.

my boyfriend and i are serious about the relationship too (if you didn't notice i said we were committed xD)!

Most adults might think its a waste of time, and in the end you'll get heartbroken. I hope alot that will never happen to my boyfriend and i. we've been going out for almost a year (im sure there's alot of teens out there who've had it longer though).

But i was wondering what the community thinks when you see two young teenagers holding hands, making out (hopefully they dont do it in public T_T!), etc.

It is love, but do you honestly think about it? Are you against it? do you despise it? Is it stupid...




  1. Everyone experiences teen love, but I think very veryew people actually stay with that person.  It's all about discovering yourself and others.  It's definitely not stupid.  But things happen in life and sometimes for whatever reason, things don't work out.  You need to view it as a learning experience and move on.  Enjoy but be smart.

  2. It is love, but do you honestly think about it?

    I do and I hate that adults say we don't know... we do. I have never had a boyfriend but adult should realize that we know far beyond our ages. We actuality do pay attention to what they talk about and there own personal experiences.

    Are you against it? No not at all as long as you don't do anything stupid like have s*x while your this young.

    do you despise it? No i just hate the teens who say that they are in love just for s*x.

  3. its okay, it's love but not at like 4th grade love. that'd be freaky to see

  4. I don't think a young age makes love any less meaningful.  Most people fall in love several times in their lives.  I do disagree when people say you don't forget your first.  I've definately forgotten him.  And each new romance after that just got better and better- as i got more of a clue.

    Being young, of course the odds are against you.  But if/when you guys do go your seperate ways, it will just be the end of a chapter in your life.  And you will use what you've learned from that experience to guide you in your future relationships.  So if the 'unthinkable' should happen, know that it is anything but the end of the world.

    I was of course in love when i was your age too (i'm 26 now).  My only issue with youngsters engaging in serious relationships is their hindering effect on the maturing and development of the individual.  What i mean is, relationships take a lot of work, compromise, and sacrifice.  When you're young, you're still figuring yourself out, growing, and learning.   You're figuring out what you like, what you don't like, what you want, and what you don't.  Then there's school, yoru family, and friendships.  That's a lot on your plate.  When you're in an exlusive relationship, the better part of your efforts are going to that individual when they should be spent on you.  

    When you grow up, work, become a parent, get married, you will have so many responsibilities that the last thing you'll be able to do anything for yourself.  While you're young, and while you still can, you should be doing just that.  A serious relationship can hold you back from experiencing some of the care free joys that you're entitled to at this age.

    I recomend that kids casually date and keep things simple and fun.  Afterall, you wont really know what you want in a spouse if you havn't played the field a bit.  But you're young and i'm sure you will. You may cringe at the thought of it now, but you'll know what i mean later on.

    Ultimately, you're gonna do whatever the heck you want anyway.  But consider some of the advice you'll be recieving from the 'been there done that' crowd.  Sometimes we do know what we're talking about.  

  5. yea yea yea, we've all been there. "I'm 14 and sooo like, in love!"

    It's called infatuation, not love.

    A waste of time?  No.  You need these experiences for future times when you're  REALLY in love.

    Just 4 months ago, you were saying:  "to be honest, i think me and my boyfriend have almost no connection", and asking how to flirt with other guys.  you're not in love.

  6. let me tell you something.... i was 15 when i met this guy.and we went out all through high school...

    had a kid when i was 18 with married and had 2 more.

    here we are now still together.

    im 34!!!!!!

    so yes it can last if you make it last

    EDIT- dont listen to the people who tell you your to young.and say its "lust". they dont know nothing and dont know you!!!!

  7. I started dating my husband 10 years ago when we were both 15 so hey it can work but you know I didnt think he was the one way back then it took a couple of years to realise now we are having our first baby

  8. Love is Love and whose to say what is real or not. But I tell you what heartbreak and pain is the worst feeling in the world, and it usually is inevidable to happen and one point or another.

  9. love is a 4 letter word that doesnt mean s**t

  10. I Think Love Doesnt Have An Age. But Youre Probably In Lust.

    I Think Love Is When You Would Walk To Whole Earth For Someone.

    Kill.. Or Even Die For Someone.

    Thats What I Think Love Is. I've Never Been In Love But

    I Sure Would Like To.

  11. well i don't think it is a waste of time your feelings are completely normal... that said i also don't think you will actually have a life long relationship... now i really do believe that you think you will but the fact is that ALL people change and younger people change even more so le likeliness that you 2 will not drift apart due to these natural changes is amazingly small

  12. The reason most adults say that young people in love will most likely get heartbroken is because..... over the years people change, especially at that age.In a way you are becoming into your own and figuring out just who you are as a person etc.  In times people often grow apart or end up liking diff things in the end. It is good while it lasts but dont let other people ruin what you have. If it was meant to be then it will happen if not then let go and move on.

  13. i don't know cause you will go through many things before you decide if this person is the one!!!

  14. I don't hate or despise or repress love, especially in the teenaged heart. I have been with my boyfriend for about 5 1/2 years, and I'm 17 years old. I think that we love each other, and it took a while for the 'being IN love' to settle in but I do truly believe that it is possible for two teenagers to fall head over heels in love. ♥

  15. Love is ageless, and seriously darling, **** what anyone says about that. Love doesn't have to be this overly epic, infatuated feeling that takes over your life? We love our friends, our parents, and everyone close in our lives; so why do people doubt we can love a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

    There is no such thing as real love and fake love. If we feel IT for somebody, it's love, regardless. Love is just an emotion like any other emotion we are able to feel, and with that, we feel love in our own ways, based on age, experience, and time. Follow your heart on this one, but also, follow your brains. Love is a grand thing, but it isn't always the smartest thing, and in reality, we can't let love tamper with every other aspect of our lives. This is probably why adults doubt teenage love exists; because it usually effects the teenagers schoolwork, friendships, and such. But despite that, you're still feeling it, hence, it is love.

  16. Honey, here's the thing about love.  It's not a feeling you get in your stomach. Yes, that can be a side effect of it, but love goes deeper than that.  Love is a choice.  It is sometimes really hard to love.  Marriage is not easy.  There are days when I look at my husband and don't get the butterflies, but I have CHOSEN to be committed to him.  I choose not to leave even when it gets hard.  I have seen grown ups who haven't mastered this concept.  They leave when things get tough.  Do I think you can be in love at 14?  I'm not sure.  Not because I think you're 'too immature' but because you haven't seen enough of life yet to really know what you want for your future.  Enjoy yourself right now.  You don't get your youth back.  Once you grow up, you stay grown up!

  17. I have some personal experience here. First, let me say I absolutely believe in love young. Let me tell you about my personal history with love. Okay?

    When I was 14 I thought I was in love, we were "commited" (or so I thought) and even talked about marriage. He constantly said what we'd do,where'd we live etc. Turned out he was cheating on me and much worse.

    When I was 15 I was in love with a guy named Corey. It was real love. To this day (10 years later) I look back and know I was in love with him. BUT it was truly young love. We faced circumstances to great to bypass for our age and we drifted apart. I've never seen a 15 and 14 be in love like we were, honestly. My take on it now is that yes we loved each other, but that doesn't mean we would forever. At that time we truly did.

    When I was 16 I met a guy named Nick. He was 19. I knew the very very second I saw him that he was the one for me. We've now been married almost 5 years! We also had very different life curcumstances then most 16 year olds would. I was out of school and working fulltime instead.

    So yes true loves does exist. Just be realistic in the fact that love can be true, but still not last forever.

    Good luck!

  18. I don't think it is impossible. I think at 14 you can have strong feelings.

    I had a boyfriend for a year when i was 15 and i thought i was in love with him, but when we broke up i got over it way too quick for it to have been. It was more of an intense caring/best friend thing.

    Then when i was 16 i met someone and he did happen to be the one!

    we got married when i was 21 and i am now 25 and we have a 10 month old girl.

    So, i am saying it is possible you 2 are meant for each other, but also that he could just be your first love.

    either way, be with each other as long as you both are happy together and not causing you guys to fail classes!

  19. I was 15 when I started dating this really great guy.  I knew right away that he was the kind of guy I wanted to marry.  I'm now 25 and I've been happily married to him for over 6 years.  We dated for quite awhile and never rushed anything.  Although we still married younger than most people "suggest", its worked for us.  I don't knock any young teenagers that truly believe they are in love.  No one knows your heart but you.  If it ends and you get your heartbroken, then that's just something that you'll go through and grow from.  It happens to just about everyone.  All I suggest is that you take it slow.  Good luck!

  20. I am against physical contact before engagement, at least. Because relationships often end, like it or not, so basically, you're kissing somebody else's husband. Ew! :S

    I think that you should only date with the interest of having a long-term relationship (ie. marriage). Otherwise, you're just committing to a year-long fling, and it will end. If you guys are really, really serious, then do not have physical contact for a while (kissing, etc) and learn about each other's personalities. That way, your emotions and physical reactions won't get in the way of your understanding each other better.

  21. in my opinion. young people really don't know about love unless they have been with not only one person. if they have, then they probably know a bit about love.

    i hate how people make-out in public. seriously. it makes me wonder how old they think they are and how "cool"

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