
What do you think of mary queen of scots?

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It's for history coursework i could really use as many opinions as possible




  1. She was a patriot to Scotland and to the Catholic Faith who was in line to take the English Throne by blood but was denied because she was a catholic and england was protestant and so Elizabeth the I  took the throne as she was the protestant daughter of king henry the 8th who after death had her as his next in line. Mary tried to form an uprising to overthrow Elizabeth the 1st but it was stopped and she was sentenced to death as the head of the rebellion.

  2. mary was a very brave person, she has a bad press, she was a very kind person

  3. I think she was either ill advised or instead a rather foolish woman.

  4. I believe that Mary strived to be the embodiment of what it meant to be a Renaissance Princess and Queen.  She was a very devout Catholic, and always turned to her faith when she found herself in trouble.  I believe that she wanted to be a loving mother, wife and Queen.  However, I believe that perhaps Mary's greatest flaw was her trusting nature.  Or perhaps it was that she believed that since she was ordained by god to be Queen, that it was her destiny, that she was somehow immune to the treachery of her day.

    There is a fascinating comparative biography between Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots in which the author draws parallels between the cousins, illustrating the many differences in their upbringings which would have most certainly had an effect on how the two women formed their understanding of the world in which they lived.

    I will draw out a few just so that you get the idea.  Mary was created Queen of Scotland while in infancy, and sent as a young girl to France to grow up as the future wife of Francois De Guise, and later to be the Queen of France. As a Queen in her own right, Mary was treated with all the dignities that her title would have given her and she was raised in luxury, where everyone everywhere would have been at her beckon call.

    Elizabeth, meanwhile, went from HRH Princess to b*****d, but the age of three.  Her life was not entirely without love, but was no where near as certain. Her relationship with her Catholic half-sister was rocky, her mother was beheaded, and her father barely acknowledged her. During the reigns of both her brother and sister, her life was constantly under scrutiny and she was the target of numerous political plots to undermine the government. Whether or not, she actually played a part in these plots is not as important as the fact that these experiences, without a doubt, would have had a profound effect on Elizabeth's view of what it means to be royal, a b*****d, a royal again, and then finally Queen.  

    Mary, having the world available to her from the start, may have found it more difficult to imagine a world in which things would have been denied to her.   I believe she was ruled by her heart and was very passionate. Therefore, I believe that she made some decisions that perhaps a more shrewd and politically inclined monarch would have no made.

    Why did she marry Darnley, over the document of succession which would have secured her the throne of England after Elizabeth's death? Why marry Bothwell while the people of Scotland already called him out as Darnley's murderer? Why leave Scotland for England, instead of France? Elizabeth had never been openly kind to her, and while her relationship with her ex-mother-in-law wasn't always the best, Mary was after all a Guise, and they were after all Catholics.  Did she really believe that Elizabeth would support her, and giver her money, and an army, when the protestant nobles in Scotland were the ones who forced Mary to abdicate?

    I believe that Mary made some poor choices, and ultimately, they would cost her everything; her crown, her husband, and her baby.  In the end, Mary turned to her faith and became a martyr, perhaps that was truly her destiny.

  5. she was THE WOMAN


  6. The catholic Queen Mary of Scots was beheaded for plotting to overthrow the Protestant Queen of England,  Good Queen Bess - Elizabeth I - vivat regina.

    The catholic church is now lead by a bishop of Rome who is a former member of the n**i party.

    Would you allow a former member of the n**i party to be in charge of the Scouts?  So why have one as bishop of Rome?

  7. She was born in Linlithgow, grew up in France and was killed by the English Queen. I don't know that I could form an opinion on someone who has been dead for hundreds of years.

  8. she was never given a chance, the sexist nature at the time was only made far worse by the views of John Knox, the world's biggest sexist. sadly people believed him and mary had to surround herself with men, who often advised her badly.

  9. this link is to an account of her final moments. very brave woman.

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