
What do you think of me (pics) ???

by  |  earlier

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I'm wondering... What do you think of me on this picture? Do you think i'm cute (rate 1-10). Oh yeah and when you see me for the first time, what do you think of me? Be honest!

I'm the one in brown jacket (higher one)

And i know that inner beauty matters but... i'm just being curious!





  1. yeah you are nice, 8-9

  2. Hope u don't mind me saying but the first thing that came to mind she's smokin hot...and only are gorgeous'll be a real man killer for country btw...late

    Oh a 10 in my book for sure

  3. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm like 6 or 7...oh i don't know

  4. I think you shouldn't put pictures of yourself on the internet!

    Your a cute out for the dirt bags out there!

    Be Safe!

  5. Girl ..

    You are Gorgeous

    i wish you smiled..and you know can actually show how confident you are ..just by a good smile..

    The standing posture and looking right at the camera..would have told us that you are confident..

    curse the hat..there are smart ways of wearing  it..

  6. wheres ur face

  7. You look very pretty.

  8. i think ur a cute girl who should stop worrying about how she looks, if people don't like you for whats inside s***w them because they have flaws and aren't willing to accept them and therefore they put others down to make them selves feel better or pretty

    I'm not saying you asked this question because your insecure but usually its the case  

  9. Wow. You're gorgeous  ! <3.. 10/10

  10. the first thing i thought was pretty hair :)

  11. Simple + Casual + Nice Looking = Cute!

    I'd rate you bout... 9.9. Sorry. Can't see your eyes. :)

  12. i think you're very pretty... but i cant rly c ur face bcuz da hat kinda cover it...... but u look good though.....

  13. 10 gurl omg u r pretty!!!!!<3 ur jacket!!!!and ur hat!

  14. You're... Hhaah, I don't know how to say it. You're like really cute. Hahaha yeah there it is :D

    i would rate you like a 7.5 :D

  15. cute kid

  16. i think you're cute, i'd give you a 9 out of 10, and the first thing i thought was "nice hat", you said to be honest, but yes, you're cute

  17. u are really pretty. i would rate u 10 :)

  18. U have a very nice aspect..but this is not the only thing that makes a person "beautiful"..if you also have a good personality then i rate u 10/10..:p

  19. I would rate you a 7.  You're cute.

  20. a 10 u r beautiful enjoy while u can

  21. you're very proud of it! =]

  22. Your a queen of beauty im gonna rate u 100/100

    oh and I AINT A TOMBOY!  

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