
What do you think of my Critique for Twilight?

by Guest66860  |  earlier

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whether you agree or disagree, how is the grammar, and how well did I write it?

I decided to read Twilight because I often heard how amazing it was. Once I finished the book, I was quite disappointed. I often read that it was “The New Harry Potter” and being a Harry Potter fan, I expected Twilight to be incredible. In my opinion, Twilight was far from incredible. It was sappy and sometimes the book got to the point where It was too descriptive. I expected the book to have more suspense and adventure in it, when it was mostly about Bella in love with Edward. I thought it was much too predictable when the book ended with a kiss.

Although the book was not as good as I expected, It definitely had good parts. I really liked how suspenseful it got when the hunters came, and when Bella was in the Ballet Studio with James. If there were more suspenseful parts instead of scenes where Bella and Edward just talked about their love for each other, I would like the book a lot more. In general, the book was good. I just expected something much better.




  1. Yea, its really good and I agree with it too.

  2. This is a very well-written critique, very to-the-point. I don't know how long it should be, but if gave us an idea of what you were writing it for )report, book review, newspaper, magazine, blog, etc.) that might help us make a better judgment.


    The way you worded it was exactly my opinion of the saga too! I can't believe how exactly matched up our views are. I just finished reading Breaking Dawn an hour ago, and honestly I was glad it was over. It was really hard to get past the beginning, especially the honeymoon, ughh. Now I'm just glad they're done and I can say I read them, and therefore can have the opinion that the Harry Potter books are much more intensely engaging and awesome.

  3. The word "often" is used too often.

    I often read that it was “The New Harry Potter” and being a Harry Potter fan, I expected Twilight to be incredible.

    Should be....

    I often read that is was "the new Harry Potter", and, being a Harry Potter fan, I expected Twilight to be incredible.

    Then a little farther, you capitalized "it" when it shouldn't have been.

    when it was mostly about Bella in love with Edward

    Should be.

    but it was... etc etc.

    "It" was wrongly capitalized once again, um...

    I really liked how suspenseful it got when the hunters came,

    Sounds childish, I would change that.

  4. If this is for some book report, I would recommend it being a bit longer.  Maybe it would help if you were a bit more persuasive about your position, but really, it's well written.  I happen to agree with it.  Twilight was just a bit too mushy.  

  5. Your grammar is great and I like the way you've written it. It just seems well organized and it gets the point across efficiently.

    On a side note, maybe it was labelled as the new Harry Potter because of it's popularity, not for the similar subject matter.  

  6. Very nice. I very much agree with it.

  7. thats some really good wrting and i totoally agree with your  opinion :D

  8. I decided to read Twilight, because I often heard how amazing it was. Once I finished the book, I was quite disappointed. I had repeatedly heard that it was the NEW  "Harry Potter”!  Being a Harry Potter fan, I expected Twilight to be incredible. In my opinion, Twilight was far from it. The story was sappy and sometimes the book got to the point where It was too descriptive. I expected the book to have more suspense and adventure in it, instead it was mostly about Bella in love with Edward. I thought it was much too predictable, particularly when the book ended with a kiss.

    While the book was not as good as I expected, it definitely had good parts. I really liked how suspenseful it got when the hunters came, and when Bella was in the Ballet Studio with James. If there were more suspenseful parts instead of scenes where Bella and Edward just talked about their love for each other, I would like the book a lot more. In general, the book was good. I just expected something much better.

    ***OKAY... I modified it to show areas where sentence structue or grammar could be improved, or modified.

    For the most part you were fine, except you occasionally resorted to run-on snetences where you could have broken it into 2 seperate sentences (instead of carrying two thoughts in one sentence), and you seem to use the same adjectives a little repetitiously.

    But all in all, minor quibbles, on a well written critique.

  9. great review just try to make it a little longer

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