
What do you think of my Fantasy Football Roster? (Yahoo 10-team league)

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I drafted, then made a couple trades, and this is what I ended up with...


QB - Romo

RB - Westbrook

RB - Jamal Lewis

WR - Colston

WR - Coles

WR - Engram

TE - Winslow

K - Josh Brown


QB - Warner

RB - Marion Barber

RB - Thomas Jones

RB - Ahman Green

RB - Chester Taylor

WR - Bryant Johnson

WR - Darrel Jackson

what's your overall rating of the starters and the bench, on a scale of 1-10 each?

Note: I dont have a defense, I'm gonna grab a different team every week (whoever plays the Dolphins, Falcons, or Bears) If Adrian Petersen stays healthy, I'm gonna drop Chester Taylor for the Jets, who play the Dolphins week 1. What do you think about this idea?

Also, I have Marion Barber, but i dont like him much, so he's on the trade block, who should i try to get?




  1. i think this team sucks other then romo I cant see your team making playoff i'll give u a 3-10

  2. a 3  or 4 not to strong at wr and you need a better backup qb

    besides romo,westbrook not a big fan of your team

  3. QB A-

    Tony Romo is a nice choice asyour starting quarterback. He has lots of good recievers, the problem is that Kurt WARNER is still battlingMatt Leinart for the starting position so drop him and pick up farve.

    RB-  A+Westbrook should be the 3rd best fantasy player this year, he can catch and run with the ball.

    JLEWIS should be pretty good because he will run in the spread since Derek Anderson is a fantastic quarterback. Also he has JOE Thomas to anchor his offensive line so thats good.

    Marion Barber should be starting instead of Lewis, he is a early2nd round choice while lewis is a 3rd or fourth.

    Thomas Jones is a solid backup.

    Ahman Green is nice and should be able to get tds.

    Taylor will do ok but he minutes will drop.

    WR C-    Colston is a reallly good Wideout, and should do better with a great Qb in Brees this year.

    Coles im kinda iffy about because his quarterback sucks.

    Engram should be solid this year

    Johnson and Jackson should both get about 5 TD's and 600 yards thsi year.

    TE B winslow is great now with Derek Anderson.

    Ok right now your about a 5/10 but to get to a 8 or 9 do these things

    1. Try to trade Barber (if you dont like him so much) for a ok WR like Plaxico or Tory Holt, and that persons D.

    Drop WARNER for Farve.

    Get a backup TE no use for 4 backup RB.s

  4. 8/10 if you take my advice, now its only a 5

    first add a defensive team. You could probably trade Taylor to whoever has AP for a decent one and add a new one whenever the team has a bye/ good opponent.Your strategy wont always work. Alot of times it will backfire and you might end up with whoever plays the pats/colts

    Also but Barber as a starter. With Julius Jones gone he will be alot better.

    Also you neeed some depth at WR. Also another good starter at WR would help you alot to

  5. I'd say 6, bench is terrible though. Try getting a better WR with Barber.  

  6. Don't trade Marion Barber.  You should start him and take out Jamal Lewis.  If you did that I'd rate your team an 8-10.  Your bench isn't that good though i give it a 2-10 or a 3-10.

  7. You have too many RB and Marion Barber will do better than Lewis

    trade Marion for a reciever

    Overall, you're team kind of sucks, get another good WR and trade some of your back ups (pick up Farve if you can)

    and that idea about picking up a D every week is stupid try and get Chargers D, they are by far the best, and it doesn't matter who they play, they're good (plus they play Raiders twice a year)

  8. You have a good team except for your WRs try to get another WR for Marion Barber 6/10 Your Bench however, sucks, except for Barber Jones and Warner 3/10

  9. i'll give you a 6 just because your WR core is not very good. Looks like you went a little RB heavy I would trade Barber for a good starting WR. other than that, not to bad.

    Drop Taylor and pick up a decent defense, it is not always possible to get a defense that plays one of thsoe teams.

    Like I said earlier Trade Barber to pick up a solid WR, do not trust Coles or Engram.

    A strong sleeper WR is Roddy White for ATL. take a look at hime for your third spot.

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