
What do you think of my Love Trigee?

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Love is eternal with…………………… Long lasting relationship,

Ongoing commitment…………………..Overwhelming love within,

Versatile relationship showing…………Vibrant emotions,

Endearment…………………………… Enjoyed never Chagrin.




  1. Cool.

    I think this is publish worthy. Simple, and easy to read if you know how. I first started reading across, and each line was a mouthful, then I read each as a segment, and it made more sense.  

  2. Your Acrostic Trigee is high art ! wow.  

  3. Awesome young jedi.

  4. It sounds like your love is a very powerful. With the things you go through you do for love that will never ends. I love the way you think of certain relationship of true love of your own heart and mind.

  5. This one has a good #1 and #3, but #2 needs help.

  6. I really liked this, the only word to me that didn't quite fit was the word overwhelming -maybe the word challenging!  Just a thought sweety!  Cheers!!

  7. I quite enjoyed the first poem (left), the second (right) was pretty good too. But the third (both) read less like a poem, and more like a list. These are super hard to make, so congrats on a job well done!!

  8. And now that you seem to have this down well, I will give you the same challenge I gave C. S. Scotkin.  Give it meter and rhyme, but do it quickly to avoid a headache.

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