
What do you think of my Poetry?

by  |  earlier

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go to and go to deadrose's profile. Tell me what you think of my poetry. Please I want to know what you truly think! Many thanx




  1. if you want people to comment your work, join

  2. If you really want critiques, post your poetry on a writing forum:

  3. Who cares what others think.  If you wrote it, you felt it, I say go for it.  Write what you feel, about whatever gets into you.  Write much, write often, and enjoy the ability to do it.  

    I have written poems for many years.  It is the best way for me to get some things out of my heart.  If I really am into it, I cannot help but put it down in a poem.  I have written about birthdays, friends retiring, a youngster who lost a boat on the last day he spent with his father, you name it.  Some are for fun, some are quite serious in nature.  Either way, they are neither good nor bad.  Like feelings, they just are.  

    So, my friend, I say write, give them away, read them in public, make gifts to others,and put them on the Internet.  Just keep on writing for the more you write, the better you become at your craft.  You are in good company.  Many famous people have created poems, but many of those did not tell others of their existence until they were found after the writer was gone.  What a pity.  Don't become one of those closet poets who doesn't share the poems, nor take proper credit for what you have written.

  4. Post the poem here.  Some of us have problems with PCs and gateways -- some have firewalls that block certain sites.

    Hope you put it in the details so we can read and review it for you.  It's sad to have a poem waiting for the readers.


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