
What do you think of my Spellcaster deck, and what do you think I should change/add.?

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Dark Magicianx3

Dark Magician Girlx2

Skilled Dark Magicianx3

Breaker The Magicial Warriorx1

Chaos Command Magicianx1

Dark Eradicator Warlockx1

Magicians Valkyriax1

Magician Of Black Chaosx1

Old Vinidictive Magicianx1


Mystical Elfx1

Gemini Elfx1

Royal Magicial Libraryx1


Nightmare's Steel Cagex1

Shield Crushx1

Heavy Stormx1

Gravedigger Ghoulx1

Monster Reincrnationx1

Black Magic Ritualx1

Black Illusion Ritualx1

Lightning Vortexx1

Mystical Space Typhoonx1

Mesmeric Controlx1

Different Dimension Capsulex2

Tribute To The Doomedx1

Swords Of Revealing Lightx1

Dark Magic Attackx1

Dark Magic Curtianx1

Enemy Controllerx1


Magicial Explosionx1

Cemetery Bombx2

Sakuretsu Armorx1

Magic Cylinderx1

Spellbinding Circlex1

Negate Attackx1

Level Conversion Labx1

Trap Jammerx1

Bottomless Trap Holex1

Shadow Spellx1




  1. Right now 4/10

    You have alot of banned cards, like Breaker and reliquinshed

    Take out spellbinding circle, tribute to the doomed, etc.

  2. I'll give you a good Spellcaster deck list.

    monsters: 19

    3 apprentice magician

    2 crystal seer

    2 old vindictive magician

    2 skilled dark magician

    1 dark magician

    1 dark magician of chaos

    2 Magician's Valkyria

    2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

    1 Cybernetic Magician

    1 Injection Fairy Lily

    1 Snipe Hunter

    1 Sangan

    Spells: 15

    3 Magical Dimension

    2 Shrink

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 MST

    1 Swords of Revealing Light

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Fissure

    1 Hammer Shot

    1 Scapegoat

    Traps: 6

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    2 Sakuretsu Armor

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    When making a deck try to keep your deck as small as possible. 40-45 cards

    this is a fun deck, try it out

  3. To many sacrifice cards are in your deck. Add more 1700-1900  cards in your deck. And you do have some banned cards. 5/10

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