
What do you think of my acting??

by  |  earlier

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Ok so the question is self explanatory

here's the link to a video of my acting:




  1. I haven't seen the movie so I'm not sure who she is talking to but I got the impression you were performing the scene not living it - don't externalize yourself and watch yourself performing you must be 100% invloved with what is going on I would suggest performing the scene without intentionally trying to emphasise any of the lines it comes off as false just say the lines like you are reading out a shopping list and build on it slowly imagine you are talking to your mother or a friend about high school or family problems - would you sound like you did on the tape - but good work -brave to put it up there just remember not to perform. be truthful to the circumstances of the scene do not try and display the emotions let them come out of you and if they aren't there just relax and imagine the circumstances a bit longer and do it again

  2. yea its, its pretty good, but a few things you need to work on are, have more light so people can see your face, try to make it more realistic, i noticed it kind of sounded like you were acting and its not supposed to sound like that its supposed to sound like you sound in real life. also, dont sway your head so much, it makes your acting seem fake because you wouldnt sway your head like that in real life. but no offence or anything but maybe you should take acting classes and go to a high intensive acting camp. im not saying your a bad actor or anything im just saying you should get more practice because every known actor has taken acting classes even anjelina jolie.

  3. its ok........

  4. Honestly, you might want to consider taking an acting class.

    It was okay and you seem like you have potential, so a class would help a lot.

    Keep going. :].

  5. pretty good

  6. Well at the moment your in the same boat as millions of other kids wanting to be something more, but its up to you to improve your situation if you want to really succeed. I am not saying you are bad, but you do not have that special thing that a casting director will fall over for. If you want to really take this serious than figure out what  you want to do and how to get there (if you dont know then you can always ask:).. and yea just by having the courage to put a vid up of you acting is something to be proud of)

  7. I just waisted 56 seconds of my life

  8. Thanks for having the courage to put up a video. Kudos on that.

    I do wish I could have seen your facial expressions -- you know that is why they put so much makeup on actors right? So the audience can see their facial expressions and so they do not fade out under the lights.

    Also if you can do it against a blank wall or even borrow a black box theatre to film (with big lights and don`t laugh but maybe bring a friend to shine a flashlight on you). But I know you are doing this small scale.

    I think your movements are too random and uncoordinated. You either need to work with someone who can coach you to make your movements more seamless or cut way back on them. Don`t worry -- it is hard to know how you come off to someone else. You could try doing the reading in the mirror though and perhaps see what I mean.

    Has your drama teacher/director said anything to you about getting into character? It was okay for a dramatic reading despite what I said about the movements but you were not feeling this woman`s feelings about men and that is what you have to do.

    Keep working on it. I can tell you are trying and that is half the battle. Your acting right now is self-conscious -- which is typical of beginning actors and nothing to worry about but something to work on. I am not familiar with this play but you have to be this character and be imploring whomever she is addressing to see her point of view and understand her.

    If acting is your passion never give up.

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