
What do you think of my baby?

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Mommy Power...i've opened up my first on line baby store...i'm carrying the cutest hats and headbands for little girls and i also have little boy hats...please view my site and let me know what you think? Any honest and constructive criticism would be appreciated.

Thanks so much!!!




  1. Well personally I like the site.  I loved the little red hat with a baseball on it.  The only thing i would change it the brown lettering it is kind of hard to read.

    Who cares what other people say, you are doing something with yourself that you like to do.  You go girl!!!

  2. I love it! My daughter-in-law has been looking for headbands like these

    in our area and they are just not available. I can't wait to tell her about your site. My granddaughter will look adorable.  

  3. I am not a fan but other people might be. Congrats anyway

  4. oh my god i dont know why people are making such rude posts...

    These hats and headbands are absolutely adorable!

    I used to wear big floppy sunhats like those and I was the coolest baby in town. LOL. I really love them. Next time my mom and I have to go baby shopping for a relative, I'll keep this link in mind!


  5. it looks good but you know how the saying goes: ( you get what you pay for )   you should throw a little boom in your site this is the new generation i'm sure it 'll probably cost but to tell the trust (as you stated) if i had a baby i mean if my girlfriend had a baby and i went across your site i don't think i would stay there because it kinda looks like a scam and doesn't have enough stuff in the site and it looks old and feels as something is missing ...see you should start watching emerald live he can teach you how to use (BAM!!!)  

    but of offence and don't take nothing personal i said what you wanted now i'm gonna go order a pizza....

  6. Ewww..I would never buy any of that. I wouldn't even pay a penny for that stuff.  

  7. Fugly lol jks

  8. I thought they were adorable.  The web page is also set up very nicely and easy to navigate through.  Good Luck!

  9. o...kk...

  10. Get rid of the cursor thing and eliminate the excessive exclamation points.

  11. It's cute! It might be better if it had more of a choice for baby boy hats though. Im having a boy this Christmas, but there isn't much of a selection for my little guy on here. Its cute tho :o)

  12. Woah cute ones on the site. Anyhow put more guy stuff too :p

  13. I just had a look at your site and i dont think its bad at all.. the baby pictures look really really cute....

    i love the hats... if i had kids i would definitely get the sun hats...

    i like the band's but i found the flower just a little to big.. but that just me... some people like that....

    but otherwise i think it's really cute stuff.. :)

    well done.. it takes alot of work setting things up.. dont let people put you down.....

  14. I like the lavender one with the flower :)  

  15. I  can't seem to reach your site.

  16. i guess it must be a rich white people thing..... i KNOW i would never put that on my kids head....

  17. Well I think I came in on the tale end, you probably made all the changes the other people mentioned.  I just want to say I think you have done an EXCELLENT JOB!  The site is cute, it's easy to navigate, and the pictures are great quality.  My hat is off to you - people who haven't done a website don't realize just how much work goes into it.  I think the hat's and head bands are really cute, and the big headbands are so much cuter on the kids than the skinny ones.  I may just wind up buying a hat for my little girl.  I wish your business great success - job well done!

  18. It's ok... but you could brighten it up and make it more 'baby friendly' with different colours. And maybe change the bright green writing on the front page.. it puts strain on your eyes.

    Umm, also take away the thing that follows your mouse around.. it's really annoying and doesn't suit the rest of the site. (sorry if this sounds harsh at all - it's just constructive critism)!!


    - The cursor thing, it's fun but does't suit the rest of the site.

    - Colour of the writing on the front page, the brown is good the other colours do not go as well.

    - The hats / headbands are all soo fancy, they look like they should be used in baby photo shoots. Make sure you include some more simple girls designs and some products without flowers. (The boy's hats would look good with girlie pictures instead).

    - You have a lot of girls stuuf, and not uch for the boys.


    - It's easy to find your way around.

    - Easy for people who are not familiar with the internet.

    - Good choice of products.

    - The boy's hats are adorable!!

    Other ideas:

    - Put some more product exapmles on the front page. (Especially more boys stuff).

    - Include other baby things, like jumpsuits, or a few little teddy bears etc.

    Make some special deals.. eg. Spend over $100 and recieve a $20 dollar gift voucher.

    Good luck, for a first try at making a site, it's good. But there are things you could improve on to make it appear more commercial and professional.

  19. I would definitely get rid of that thing trailing the mouse pointer.  It makes me dizzy.  

    You also need to work on your grammar.  For instance, it should read, "This month's special" instead of what you had: "This months special".  The apostrophe says the word is a possessive - the special belongs to this month, therefore it is this month's.  You should go over all your copy (that means written text) with someone who is more familiar with correct grammar than you are.

    Even in your edited info here on Y!A, there were several mistakes.  You wrote, "would of expected more from mom's...thanks anyway."  There is no such expression as "would of".  You mean to say "Would HAVE" or at the very least, "Would've".  PLUS, the plural of "mom" is "MOMS" not "mom's" the way you have it written.  There is no apostrophe in a plural.  Apostrophes are for possessive words and for contractions.  PERIOD.  

    I have taken some time to give you some valuable CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, just like you asked.  I hope you put this to good use.  Good grammar is important everywhere, even on the Internet.

    Good luck!


    "no need to be nasty i'm positive your not perfect yourself, and when your not I hope someone embarrase's you as you did me!"

    Here  is what this should have read:

    "No need to be nasty; I'm positive you're not perfect, yourself.  When you're not, I hope someone embarrasses you as you did me."

    Macie's Mommy, it looks like you didn't take anything from my brief lesson.  If you truly think you have good grammar, I'll have to say "Thanks for the giggle" because that is hysterical.  

    I was only trying to help.  It looks to me like you were only open to praise, and didn't really want any constructive criticism at all.

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