1 falling over- if you lose your balance try to fall on one side keeping your hands out of the way.
2 putting on skies- make sure your skies are perpendicular to the slope then remove excess snow from boot and bindings by hitting them, put downhill foot in ski first then uphill foot, start sliding and go to step 1.
3 going straight on- narrow the tips of your skies, point down the slope loose balance and go to step 1
4.Turning- transfer the weight to the downhill ski, your direction will not change and you will continue going straight on (step 3)
5. Stopping - put the tips of your skies together more, aim for an object (tree, another person snow bank) hit this and then go to step 1.
6. getting onto a chair lift- ski to start point fall over go to step 1, the chair will come behind you and grab you in whatever position onto the chair.