
What do you think of my bike's air conditioner.?

by  |  earlier

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Works great but only good for about a 1/2 hour. Would be cool to have a large reservoir and a windshield washer pump built into a bike.,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,4/category_id,1/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/




  1. Lol sounds cool :D

  2. cant stand the heat stay off  the bike !

  3. save your money.

  4. I already have one it called a spray bottle it cost $1.00 at Walmart. no install needed But there are some out there that would like a high tec spray pump.

    power wise it would be less then some of the light kits on bikes so you souled be able to do a feed right from the bikes power

  5. I have seen some days around White Sands NM I would have prob bought one The hottest I ever saw was 142 For real at the airforce base it was official when I got to phoenix It was still 136  in 1998 or 9

  6. wouldn't be difficult to produce, the biggest hurdle woud be keeping the water cool...

  7. My bike's air conditioner is the throttle, the faster I go, the cooler it seems.

  8. My granddad had one of these for spraying DDT in his back garden in the 50's.

    It was called a stirrup hand pump. The stirrup hand pump was originally used for putting out fires in WW 2

    There's probably a patent for it somewhere that  Misty Mate are breaking.

  9. Go for it and let us know how it works out.

  10. always had air-conditioning,when the wind runs right through that empty head of yours.

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