
What do you think of my body (pic)?

by  |  earlier

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ive always been really insecure about it, but tell me what you think..

and stop with the comments that say like "oh sure your insecure, your body's perfect"

last year i gained 30 lbs and this is after i lost the weight, im insecure because i used to be fat and i was so depressed about my body so now i just cant see it as being a nice body




  1. itz fine

  2. you look great, you have a fantastic body shape, you shoould feel good about yourself, i mean you lost 30 pounds!! you should be celebrating

    d**n your hair is long, lol

  3. You look fit and skinny, in a good way! Don't be insecure unless your fat, but right know, by the way you look, don't worry your life about these go eat a banana spilt!

  4. s**y!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow!

  5. Your body looks fine, stop stressing. I sometimes feel insecure too but I have a reason, I'm too skinny.  So flaunt it you look great.

  6. WOW! I think it's perfect! But I know how you feel because I am too skinny! Like way too skinny, and although sometimes I want to stuff my face with ice cream, I have to accept my body because I don't make it that way (I eat like a pig!) I've been skinny my whole life and thats just the way it is.  But still you body couldn't be any better! (:  

  7. You're alright

  8. i think its really nice

  9. you look good..

  10. OMG I want your hair! It's soooo long.!

    You're body is really nice.

    Dont worry about it, we all have stuff were not too keen on in life

  11. i think you're great!

    i mean youre not fat, you dont have cellulite, your arms are not big at all!

    your stomach is not buzzing out!

    legs very good!!

    you're great girl, if you're still insecured, then i think that you should go for jogging each morning for 20 minutes to start with and then go up to one hour for 3 to 4 times a week! dont forget warming up and stretching!

    if you're still insecure!

    go to sparkteens if you're under 18 and sign up and if youre more than 18 then sign up for sparkpeople, its completely free,, they offer meal plans, exercises and motivation , the whole package!!

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