
What do you think of my brother's golf swing?

by  |  earlier

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This is my brother...




  1. I doubt he hits that long.  That's as long as the tour pros and your bros swing doesn't look very powerful.

    Just because he might of hit that long once when it was downwind and downhill, doesn't mean that's his average.

    Why lie?

  2. Not bad.  His downswing is quite good and he does release at the right time (right before ball contact). Posture is good and balanced too.  2 areas I see he might want to improve on

    1. The follow-thru is a bit too quick moving upwards after impact, I would try to keep the club head in front for just a tad longer and let the club's momemtum take the club head back up around after impact.  This might improve his direction control.

    2. Looking at his take-away, I would think his ball has a fairly high trajectory flight path.  If he levels out the take away more BEHIND the ball rather than lift and turn right away, and produce the same swing coming down, his ball will fly a bit lower and climb upwards due to a more flatter bottom sweep action.

  3. It's a decent swing.  He seems to generate some good clubhead speed, and his balance and tempo aren't bad at all.

    I saw one thing I'd change.  He takes the club back just a tad on the outside.  I'd tell him to take it back a little more on the inside.  That will make his transition a little easier.

  4. Swing looks pretty good.  Takes it back a little  upright, and dips his head down on downswing, but overall nice swing.  I don't care how far he hits it, how is his chipping and putting?  Golf is not about how far you hit the ball, it is about how many times you hit it.

  5. Good looking swing.

    Have a good one...

  6. Yea he definitely doesn't hit that long on average with that swing. He's not generating enough power with the swing he has right now to hit that far.

    Overall i'ts a good swing. Keep it up and maybe get a lesson and he might be able to hit it an average 280.

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