
What do you think of my build to wrestlemania for the smackdown brand and the wwe championship?

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1. HHH wins the scramble at Unforgiven

2. HHH beats MVP at No Mercy

3. Big Show turns heel

4. HHH beats the Big Show at Cyber Sunday, fans choose the match type

5. HHH's team beats Khali's at Survivor Series

6. HHH turns heel

7. HHH beats Jeff Hardy at Armageddon

8. Undertaker beats HHH at the rumble for the title

9. HBK makes a shocking return at the rumble to win the battle royal

10. HBK chooses to face the winner of the HHH/Undertaker match

11. Taker beats HHH in a re-match at No Way Out in a steel cage match

12. Undertaker beats HBK in the main event of wrestlemania




  1. Very decent build up and HBK and Taker would end up stealing the show at Mania and having a match for the ages.

  2. Bad. bad in deed.

  3. wow, if only one of the writers was smart enough to think of that, i really like that build better than all the other ones I have seen in the past couple of weeks 5*

  4. Good, especially because Triple H doesn't keep the title, go to Mania as champ, beat Taker, etc.

    It's worth mentioning that while this is good, it's not great by any means. I'm sure WWE could come up with this, but they're too busy attempting to write 5 hours of television each week.

  5. wow that was actually so good that i think mcmahon will steal youre idea but thats good cause then you can sue

    but only one flaw why the h**l would MVP be in the main event

  6. thats awsome

    watch raw free here

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