
What do you think of my degree?

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i'm taking a major in economics and a minor in mathematical sciences. is it really that good? btw, i study at a university here in Canada. also, i've taken Swedish and i'll be taking Japanese next year. where do you think will i have a better chance of landing a better job with this course? Sweden, Japan, Canada, or US? thanks




  1. Economics is a very good degree, and the minor fits pretty well...I think it shows versatility. You can get lots of different jobs with an Econ. degree and if you are fluent in Japanese and/or Swedish, you can go to whichever country you want. I'm not sure if any one country would be better than another.

  2. You're so lucky you have your major picked out and you know what you want to do... I CAN'T MAKE UP MY FREAKIN' MIND.

    Pretty decent major, by the way!

  3. Excellent choice and there is a huge demand for Economist. Never know, you may end up a job with World Bank or United Nation. I suggest you subscribe and read the weekly magazine - The Economist and here is the website.

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