
What do you think of my drawings?

by  |  earlier

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  1. cute!

    ...funny, i once drew harlequin on a scrap piece of paper- that's what yours reminded me of.

    i think you have potential, but even though you drew a known character, you should let your style and personality show through!

  2. I like them. They have style especially the first one. Keep drawing and let me see some more! =)

  3. They're okay. Are you just beginning? You should get some Prismacolor Color Pencils, they blend well and the color looks very smooth. Hope I helped.

  4. Its a good start. But to be honest, you need some work.

    It not bad though. =]

    I like the um joker looking one ha ha.

    I would work with anotomy alittle more. Try to start by drawing realistic people. I started with cartoons and it was really hard to get to real people.

    To practice get some photos off of the interweb and draw them.

    Or have a friend pose for you and draw them.

    Just be alittle more original! Its not hard, use some personality.

    Right now it just looks like your drew someone else's work.

    Sorry if thats harsh.

    Some of my sketches. I still need work.:

  5. The only problem I really see is that you made the first girls elbows way to low. They should stop right before or right at the waist. Other than that they are good.

    I like you Harley Quinn drawing.

  6. I think you have talent and a good art school would help you develop it more. Good luck.  

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