
What do you think of my editing??

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  1. The path is fantastic, the select color is interesting and the "it" one, I don't think I would have cropped off quite as much of her head.

    It looks like you are having fun there !  

  2. I think is a really GREAT  JOB !!!

  3. those are pretty good....

    try burning the edges of most of your photos too...

    the diffused glow filter is pretty awesome...

    check out my work for some ideas...

  4. I think its okay and mediocre, not very impressive.  But the thing is that I have seen those techniques over and over already.  You should try doing something more with it and expiriment.

    The first one, I thought was the best.  It looks really nice and creative, and you set an interesting mood to the picture.  However, you overdid the black corner fades a bit too much.  The faded border also looks uneven, and not the attractive and creative kind of uneven.

    The second one wasn't that much editing.  It pretty much just looked like you cropped it, enlarged it, and gave it a border.

    As for the third one, I have seen that technique done so many times, it doesn't really impress me.  I also think you could've just gave it a different focus point, besides the flowers.  It seems like you chose to do the flowers, at random.  It doesn't have much meaning to it, and I think the original looked better then the actual edit.

  5. Dark Path - you did a nice job of adding a moody atmosphere to the scene.

    Cousin Itt - cropping out the white sky was a good choice. I would have gone further and darkened up the foliage some.

    I think the last picture works better in color. There isn't enough texture or tonality to it to make a good black&white (the highlights are overexposed, for example), and in the color photo, the faces stand out better for being a different color from the background. Would work better maybe with a plainer background. Nice job of the selective color, though I would have pushed the color saturation up a notch or two, and I actually like the dead-center positioning.

  6. it's nice , you don't go overboard with your editing  

  7. I like both shots of the park path. The original is such a good shot but the B & W is more moody so it's hard to choose. I guess as a memory of the park, I would choose the color but as art for the wall, I would choose the edited B & W one.

    Cousin IT is really funny. Try cropping it to a narrow vertical so there is no part of the body showing at all. It adds a whole new element of weirdness to the shot!!  Eee-e-e-e-eK!! : D

    Although the bridal shot in color is nice, I do prefer the edited one.

  8. My favorite is the path in black & white. The others are ok.

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