
What do you think of my first ever Tongue Twister Poem : )?

by  |  earlier

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Fred’s Father forte for frequent farthing,

Father Frances farms for future fortunes,

Frequency fluctuations frightens Feminine female

Felicity from Friday’s fancy fetish festival fare

For fire-fighters frequently fighting fire’s flames.

Fridays feast for famine, fish fingers, fairy floss, frankfurts and fresh fruit.

Fred farted, fluorine fires flame, frizzles, felicity frantically fears furious flames French fries Fred for Fred’s farts flammable.




  1. it's ok but

    irish wrist watch is harder to say.

    try say it really fast like more the 5 times

    i told my 3 year old cousin to say it. she couldn't say i. it was so funny

  2. You let an "and" slip in there. Back to the drawing board!  Otherwise, all I can say is - fairly fine foray for fatuous fun.

  3. You go, girl. What I wouldn't give to hear these being recited with your Aussie accent!  What a treat!

  4. Haha...thats really good!....& my gosh watta a tongue twister it is :)

    well done


  5. It's a good tongue twister, and

    a poem.  Three cheers:

                             1. cheers

                             2. cheers

                             3. cheers

  6. With all these "F's" showing I suppose you want an "A?"  Funny, although a poem?

  7. This is pretty good for a tongue twister. I personally like shorter tongue twisters, they are good for warming up when singing.

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