
What do you think of my friends parenting style?

by  |  earlier

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My friend is 33 and has three daughters (10, 7, and 2) and is 7 months pregnant with a boy.

I went to her house to borrow a blank disc for my laptop and while she was getting it her 2 year old began to throw a tantrum because her 7 year old was playing DDR and the 2 year old wanted to watch some kids dvd. Her husband firmly told the 2 year old, "Not right now, I understand you're frustrated but Caylen is using the tv right now. You're going to have to wait." So the 2 year old got really loud and screamed (she doesnt do this very often surprisingly) so the dad said to her, "I can't understand you when you're talking like that. You need to go take a break until you can calm down". She ignored him so he said, "Go to your break spot and when you calm down come talk to me". So she went and sat on this little rocking chair, cried for another five minutes, then got up and went to her dad. He said, "what would you like to say?" So she said, "I want to watch my show!" So he said, "Caylen you have ten more minutes then you need to let Caysi use the tv." So the 2 year old calmed down.

I am surprised this works...what does everyone else think of this? I know neither of them use spanking...I'd like everyones thoughts on this.




  1. thats great, i know you want to fly off the handle, but talking to your kids does work. and if they dont stop sending them away to calm down is good. that way you can too. spanking just startles them and it hurts for a minute. where talking to them and having them realize what they are doing is better i think anyway. i have swatted mine on the butt, but i never spanked them hard per say.  

  2. sounds like great parenting for someone who's about to have their 4th child. really proud of them. some people can't handle one child. they sound like good parents.

  3. I think its a good parenting style.  

  4. just how it should be

  5. i think that's great parenting and yes if done properly this does work, its the same technique the nanny uses on the show "Supernanny" very good.

  6. ya i think thats smart and it teaches them crying won't get them to have everything their way. When i was little my parents said they couldn't hear me unless i said please and thank you and when i did they would give me whatever it was i was asking for if it was reasonable.after a while they learn to just ask for it and it cuts down on the screaming. Its much more effective then spanking because spanking gives them attention and that may be all they want.

    however sometimes a two year old is just gonna be a two year old

  7. I think that a child should be spanked when trying to throw a tantrum, because otherwise they believe they can do that, and get their way, but if a child is just arguing with another sibling then they should be put in time out...

  8. i think that is smart.  Once you start from your first training them to be obedient they will listen.  Yeah, I saw that on supernanny, good show by the way.

  9. It works 4 us!

  10. Thats exactly what is recommended. He gave her  achance, listened to her, let her know whats not acceptable, gave her a choice, which didnt work. So he punished her seperating her into a pre-designated place and made her feel worthy following. It is no surprise she acts like that though, she is after all 2, this is typical for her age.

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