
What do you think of my idea for dealing with racism?

by  |  earlier

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There's been a lot of racial tensions where I live lately, and I'm tired of it. I would like to buy some wood and build a giant letter 't' for tolerance and put it somewhere where a lot of people can see it. Then, I'd like to set it on fire to draw attention to how the situation here has gone up in flames. Do you have any suggestions?




  1. Good idea ..... =) But how would people know t stands for tolerance?

  2. do not forget to wear a white robe to indicate your clean intentions.

  3. As long as it's not a lower case "T" I guess it's fine. Free Speech. Just don't set your neighbor's house on fire. It might p**s them off.

  4. Its a great idea.........

  5. Sounds like what the KKK would do when it came to their agenda except they built a great big cross and then lit it on fire.

  6. Calm down RENO 911!!!!!!!!

  7. I think its a good idea-make it a public thing and get some people to do a silent protest or get together or something. Make fliers advertising it etc.

  8. Sir,

    I believe beer and popcorn must be present in order for it to be a success.

  9. Dude, is that why they burn crosses in peoples yard?

  10. for some reason that makes me think of the ku klux klan...and certain traditions that they practiced a burning t would look like a burning cross

  11. Are you kidding? It would look like you were the Klan,dufuss.

  12. Do it, but don't forget to burn down your house too.  

  13. Great Idea!

    A big burning T Thats great!

    Make sure every minority gets one on their lawn so they know that they should be tolerant.  

  14. that sounds like you would be setting a cross on fire. Then it might look like you were in thee KKK. Not a good idea. Why don't you just talk to people?

  15. Are you going to wear a white hood as well?

  16. Your idea sounds like t**d.  

  17. Absolutely pointless.

    People who commits acts of abuse need to be resisted and challenged tactically.

    One way would be to expose the local police or counsel as this will effect their ability to run the area, be elected and so on.

    You should make it as difficult for the authorities to ignore it as possible and expose all the abuse that goes on as much as you can.

    But you will be risking your self.

    You need to ensure that if your going to fight this, you need to defend yourself and be able to protect yourself from reprisal attacks as much as you can.

    You want the public outside your area to hate the authorities out of thier jobs and to be out-voted as this makes them feel obliged to do something to get voted in with thier jobs still in-tact.

    Snow Man

  18. ignore it

  19. I can see it now.....

    7 o'clock news, a man burning a wooden plank in a design of what it appears to look like a cross! He's also wearing a white robe...

    He's now being sentenced 15 to 25 years........

  20. It would look like you are burning a cross, becuase they will think you are apart of the kkk

    you will only make things worse

  21. lol yes and don't forget to hang a rope from a tree with a noose at the end so the neighborhood kids can swing on it. you should definitely wear white, it symbolizes a clean start. but its a great idea a+. you are definitely a grand wizard......oops, i mean grand master, just grand!

  22. Not a good idea.

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