
What do you think of my idea? i think that people who are collecting unemployment should have to serve jury?

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duty. they would not be paid whatever the daily rate is because they are already getting money from the government. this would allow working people to not have to take a day or two off to serve, and the government doesn't have to pay a person for missed work time. just my thoughts.




  1. Good thoughts, too.

  2. a jury of yourpeers is not the unemployed

    Although it has reached record numbers due to IDIOTIC Republican policy, only a small percentage of people are in those ranks, not enough to be most of America's peers

    Don't you think its entirely possible that some will find anyone with a good job guilty out of jealousy.

  3. On the contrary. As odd as it sounds, being a jurist could actually BE a job. Becoming A jurist means that you would undergo training on how to read [the law], so folks who are deciding cases in law would have some type of intelligent idea of what they were doing.

    Just a thought, will more than likely never happen, but allow yourself to think of the "what if?"

  4. Never gunna happen ----- Thats like trying to get welfare folks to clean along the highways or mow lawns at schools --- to many others will whine about it so nothing gets done.....

  5. Not all people collecting unemployment would qualify for jury duty (i.e.: citizenship status, age, criminal history).  Bad idea.

  6. BAD IDEA. Do you honestly want our juries made up of people who can't even maintain a job? These people are deciding the fate of individuals: What if you have a jury made entirely up of welfare recipients and a falsely accused CEO is charged with murder? Can you say, "bias"?

    No, unemplyment and welfare recipients should be required to work at local, state, and federal government facilities conducting janatorial, maintenance, or even secretarial work.

  7. As long as they are American citizens. Yes.  I agree with you question.

    I also agree to Castrate dead beat father that do not pay child support.   That would be a good incentive to pay up

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