
What do you think of my idea of why mccain picked palin?

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i think he picked her cuzz he knew the democrats would say she has no experience and therefore open themselves to attack on obamas inexperience.




  1. No, I don't think that was the reason.

    I think he picked her because he has lost his mind.  This is a man that has no respect for women.  He thinkgs he will get the "Hillary" voters = but they ONLY want Hillary, not just any other woman!!

    He has basically given the election to Obama/Biden!!


  3. I think that he picked in hopes of getting votes from all the bitter Hillary supporters that are upset that Obama is the democratic candidate. That's her only purpose.

  4. No, he picked her because of OIL

  5. orrrr.. maybe she's totally amazing!

    mccain and palin, 08!

  6. He picked her because she is the best for enhancing his maverick image (which really doesn't exist, but hey, he's trying) and for garnering female votes.  If his reasoning was as you said, he really screwed up.  All he's managed to do in that arena is open himself up to questions about why someone who has always touted the importance of experience would make someone with so little his VP candidate.

  7. I think it goes deeper than that. I think it goes to the women vote since the dems dissed Hillary. Also, I think they felt like making a little history themselves. Besides, condi would not run

  8. he picked her because he is one stupid individual

  9. whatever the reason, i love the outcome.

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  10. Well...I don't think that was his MAIN reason but it is a valid point!

  11. Vote Obama

  12. I think you are nuts. He picked her because he wanted to pick up former Hillary supporters.

    The problem is that McCain's view of women is so superficial he thought just any skirt would do.

    She is on record being against everything Hillary supporters care about.

    He BLEW, as in THREW AWAY, his chance to enhance his ticket AND at the same time ADDED A LIABILITY.

    McCain has totally lost it. End of story.

  13. Umm - they started attacking Obama's experience first. There was no "opening oneself up" for anything.

  14. Bottom line?

    I think McCain picked her because there has been so much talk about diversity in this campaign that the real issues have taken a back seat.

  15. i agree and he picked her in order to get women voters on his side.

  16. It was a good move in several ways:

    1. It brought into the fold many Hillary Dems.

    2. It got Palin out of the way of Big Oil in Alaska. They want to build the natural gas pipeline through Alaska and she has been blocking them from getting the contract. Instead, she wants to give the contract to a Canadian company.

    3. Her inexperience will make her more pliable to manipulation on the national stage.

    4. McCain can get the credit for breaking the glass ceiling in the White House, endearing him to many women.

    5. The inexperience argument only goes so far. I believe the Republican argument about Obama's inexperience is effectively blocked by McCain's choice of Palin. It is now voided on both sides. So, the choice of Palin could be construed as helping Obama in that regard.

  17. Well that's part of it.The other part is she is not a washington insider and has a history of fighting the system which is what obama claims he will do. However with his choice of joe biden that seems unlikely.

  18. Hahaha!

    Haven't you realize that by picking Palin, McCain and the GOPs looked like hypocritical fools attacking Obama with accusations of "inexperienced"? They picked Palin because she is inexperienced to use her as example vs Obama? Wow, complete utter shameless ploy and human exploitation, right?

  19. I don't disagree but add to that the fact that she has more qualifications than Obama.  

  20. No I think she was picked first and foremost because of her stands against corruption from either party.  And because of her positions on energy policy.

  21. that old geiser is still trolling for younger woman,

    what a terrible pick he should have picked harriet Meir's


  22. She has less experience than Obama.  Obama has the same experience that Abraham Lincoln had.  She has far far less experience than Obama.  McCain set himself up for ridicule and being called a hypocrit.

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