
What do you think of my impressive heat vision?

by  |  earlier

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Major props to all of you who saw that i was joking and went along with it. For the other people, I only have one thing to say: Life sucks without humor.




  1. the straw was up your butt at the time and you were having hot farts from eating all of those burritos.

  2. Phenomenal. Yet, not extraordinary.

    Yesterday, I turned a minivan into Play-Doh.

  3. Look into the mirror and try that again.

  4. i'm getting ready to liquify pizza.

  5. Point it towards the East Coast...PLEASE!

  6. well if you use it to heat homes where families are without heat i would be impressed

  7. Cool

  8. I Think it is really HOT!

  9. Ooooh!  That'll be impressive when the Cyborgs come.

  10. perhaps you are from Krypton.

    Could you explain to me how superman did the cellephane S trick in superman 2?

  11. Yesterday I liquified my brain, actually I have that most days... hmmmmm................. what could it mean????

  12. So why didn't you make a video of you doing that?Maybe Randi will give you some money.

  13. Heat vision is so five minutes ago geez way to try to be cool.

    Try turning invisible like the cool kids.

  14. Its no match for my X-ray vision, I can see your underwear!

  15. I am sooooo impressed! Oh my gosh ! My cat fainted!

  16. COOOL

  17. You're retarded.

  18. last year, i was staring at the sky and my super impressive heat vision burned a hole in the ozone layer. im the reason we have global warming. beat that.

  19. that would take a lot of colored electromagnetism and esp

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