
What do you think of my mare?

by  |  earlier

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What do you think? She is only just 5. We don't know what breed. She will be an eventer. She is still quite green what do you think of her?

I know some of the filming in the vid is bad... sorry.




  1. Not too bad.  Loose the tie down and work on your hands.  She was throwing her head because you were yanking her mouth.  Longer stirrup might help too.

  2. She's good, would work on her head tossing though

  3. hi. i ride everything, and i do not agree western is better. its for people that cant ride well, because western horses are differently trained and all you have to do is sit there. and i have a western horse. ride whatever discipline you like.  i like english much more, because it strengthens more muscles in you legs. i love you mare. she jumps beautifully, and to me she looks like a warmblood maybe or a warmblood cross. shes nice and great looking a 5 yr old. and shes very eye catching. she might do better with out a martingale or tie down. but whatever works for you. i don't like martingales much. i don't use them and never will.  

  4. Its very pretty!

  5. shes pretty

    and is jumpoing extremely well for a 5 year old.

    but work on her not tossing her head.,

    gd luck

  6. She seems like a good horse, but who is riding? No offense, but they have bad leg position. When you ride, your shoulders, hips, and ankles are supposed to be a straight line. This might help your mare, too.

  7. she's gorgeouss :)

    she looks like she responds to you well aswell

  8. Gorgeous! i have 2 mares actually

  9. ride western its better.

    get another horse that is western.

    its more fun.

  10. she is very pretty :)

    i love her colour !

  11. She is beautiful!!!!!!!!!

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