
What do you think of my name?? huh??

by Guest58368  |  earlier

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It's my true name


Sometimes I feel very bad because it's a fruit name.

Whenever I introduce myself to class

My classmates laugh at me

What do you think? Is it ugly?

I want my name to be Kassandra.




  1. I love that name actually.:p

    very original.

    Just keep your head up high when they laugh!

    be pproud of your name your parents gave it to you for a reason you know.[:

  2. Its different I kno it must suck having that namee because everyone in the world is mean..

  3. That's a cool name sweetie. Don't be bothered by your classmates, what do they know.

  4. Melon is an ok name. My name is Tom (I'm a GIRL) and whenever i introduce myself, people ask my "Is that short for anything". and one time i went on a field trip and our group leader didn't believe My name was Tom, so she ASKED my teacher and my teacher says "Yes,that is her name"

    Isn't it annoying how they don't believe you?

  5. its not a ugly name

    i like it cuz its unique

    you shouldnt be ashamed of it

    what if your name was brittany and there was another brittany in your class?

    wouldnt that be weird

    dont be ashamed of it

    they probably make fun of you because they are jealous that your name is so cool

    and they have such common names like emily or jason

    but if you grow up, and you still dont like it, you can change it

    otherwise be proud!

    melon is the coolest name

    i know a girl named melody and her classmates call melon (as a nickname or Mel)

    and dont feel bad nobodys perfect and no matter what, people will always find something to laugh at

  6. Well not bad, but meowth sounds like meow, meow the lonely cat meowing. Just kidding!

  7. i think its cute and unique but if u just simply hate it, just make people call you Mell or something =)

  8. Melon....its ok, it's not on my favorite name list or anything but it isn't retarded like the name miley is!!!!  

  9. I think Melon is really cute but i probably would havepreferredd it as a middle name. For example Katie Melon Perry. That is adorable (to me anyway). But Kassandra is pretty. You change it to Kassandra Melon ?. What ever your last name is, so you still have a trace of your true name. For the record its nice.

  10. It's not bad.  Better than Apple!

  11. Change your name legally and leave that Melon name behind, once and for all Kassandra!!!!

  12. introduce yourself as melony. This won't be far off from what you have.

    I like your name.  But if it makes you uncomfortable change it.  If you are OK with it but other people laugh. That is their problem.  You will find as you get older that adults won't laugh.  You may come to be proud of your name.  

  13. Maybe you had Jaundice when you were born ;)

    Only joking.

    Melon IS unusual, but as others have said, IF you hate it that much Mel is perfect.

    However, there's nothing wrong with the name., Kids love to find things to poke fun at and it's their ignorance rather than your name that is the comical thing...

  14. Melon is a very pretty name! You shouldn't care if others laugh at your name, everyone has a right of opinion, if you don't like it then change it! It's your call!

  15. I'm sorry but Melon's a bit weird. In a bad way. I prefer Cassandra (with a C not a K)

  16. Melon is a cute name. It is very tender. It`s also rare and unique. People often do not understand the unique things. They try to make fun of it, because they do not understand it. I have a very funny last name, which I hate. And I do not really like my name either. But I will never change it cause that is how my parents decided to call me, and i respect their decision.

    Please, do not change your name to Cassandra. That is a horrible name. That is unique, but it doesn`t sound nice at all.

    Still, that is just my opinion...

  17. Oh no, Kassandra reminds me of Rodney's girlfriend on Only Fools and Horses.

    Melon is unusual but not as bad as some!

  18. Don't worry about it. Its unique. I think it is fun You can go by Mel if if it really bothers you.  

  19. If I hear someone's name is Melon, I would think "Very cute name!"

    I don't think it's bad at all. Be proud of your name. I like it.          ;)

  20. Shorten it to Mel.  Folks will think it's short for Melanie.

    Ask your folks why they named you that.

  21. No, I love it! My name is Melody, and my friends all call me Melon, cause they think it's adorable! P.S: Annabel, copyright discrimination, and please don't reveal my name online!

    If your classmates laugh at you, they are making you feel bad, which is kinda like bullying. Go right up to them them and tell them that it hurts you, and I love my name, so you have no right to make fun of it.

    Kassandra is so common, and too long to write. It's OK, just too common.

    You can also sign your name with a picture of a melon, that would be so cool.

  22. I like Melon. I think it is very unique! Why would you want to be called Kassandra, it reminds of a nasty p**n star or stripper or something. Melon is really cute. They laugh because they have never heard of it. It is funny, but you shouldn't be ashamed of it, and you should recognize that it is a very unique, pretty name and you can laugh too.

    My name is Tonie (Tony) so I got a lot of pressure in school for having a "boys" name. But I love my name, it's unique, and I've never met another girl named Tonie, like you will never meet another person named Melon.  

  23. oh please girl, I'm sure you were named Melon because your parents either thought it was a sweet name name or maybe you just looked like a Melon at any rate it is what they wanted for you, many people choose a name to represent the person you should be and for me Melon is refreshing,sweet and delicate. it's an adorable name. please take this from someone who knows , having grown up with the name Vernon which at the time was never heard of but now as I've grown and many years of of hearing YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN VERN I am ok with it because it's not what people call me it is that people call me. Good Luck Mel.  

  24. I think its cooler then Kassandra.

  25. It is NOT ugly it is unqiue

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