
What do you think of my nunchaku skills?

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Do i suck? Comment or rate it if you think im ok if you think i suck let me know i need to get better.Im self taught by the way i learned everything from movies and just practicing.thanks.Oh and thats a ninja mask im wearing LOL




  1. i'll start by saying i wont give you any advice on how to actually gain skill in this weapon. but here is my 2 cents

    your making a lot of unnecessary movements, your not extending in the right places, your grip on the chuck is usually lazy, your empty hand is all over the place while your swinging the chucks.

    its good to see your adding a little footwork like stepping back/forward, turning 180 degrees, turning on angles etc.

    all in all if you are actually self taught from instructionals, or by just testing out what works and feels right, then you are doing good.

    but if you really want to improve you should seek the instruction of a qualified teacher with strong lineage. this will greatly improve your skill and ability by altering it and fine tuning it.

    a weapon is an extension of your body and your skill

  2. You are pretty good.  Your movements are very unorthodox, for example, your switch over the shoulder comes from front to back, instead of back to front.

    You need to work on stances, and movement, changing directions, simulating that you are facing multiple attackers, etc.

    But over all very good.


  3. Nice tricks, but very Hollywood.

    - You need to get your off hand out of the way and not hold it in front of your body.  You're going to bust some fingers that way.

    - You're holding them way too high.  Holding them near the chain is good for maximum control for doing tricks, but the power and reach comes from holding them lower.

    - Get some real nunchaku.  Those are way too thin and light.  Again, good for tricks since you can spin them fast but they look like a couple of twigs.

    In all, not bad for self-taught.  If you really want to learn something impressive then go get some instruction from a real expert.

  4. My honest feedback:

    Your left hand seems weak - you have 2 techniques with your left, and mainly pass back to the right.  It is normal to favor one side, but you would be well advised to practice with your left so your technique is better balanced.

    Transitions / hand switching is quite slow.  For practical purposes you need to work on accuracy of catching and switching hands.  The moment you are fishing around for the weapon is the moment you are vulnerable.  Learn to switch hands faster.

    Practical usage - you seem to have a lot of tricks, but very little practical application.  Nunchaku are weapons, not toys.  It seems you have more concern with flipping them around than with using them.  Maybe that's what you are after, but it doesn't seem useful.

    You don't appear to have enough power in your technique.  I would not hesitate to stick my hand into your nunchaku while you are spinning - it wouldn't hurt...  Develop some power by grasping the nunchaku further from the chain and more confidently.  

    I'm not a weapons fighter, but I wouldn't be intimidated by you with this particular weapon the way you hold it.  You don't seem to have the confidence or power to do much damage with your nunchaku.  It seems like your focus is on the nunchaku - in a fight that cannot be the case.  

    Here's a test - have a buddy throw pillows or stuffed animals at you while you are doing these little tricks.  Tell him to try and break your rythm.  If you can move, evade, smack the pillows away, etc. while still confidently handling your weapon, I'd be stunned.  

    And um....lose the mask.  It makes you look like you are playing ninja instead of practicing martial arts.  It does not look tough or scary.  It looks dorky.

    I think you have a good start, but you need a lot of refinement to be honest.  It looks like you have fun and might be able to perform these tricks at a party.  So decide if you want to dress up like a Ninja Turtle and entertain kids or if you want to use these weapons to defend yourself.  

  5. *sigh* Another one of the Choson crowd. I still say that guy's going to get somebody killed.

    You do realize the nunchaku were Chinese/Okinawan, and not Japanese, yes? (If you think Okinawans are Japanese, try telling one of them that). So why on earth are you wearing a "ninja mask" (I won't get into how wrong that is as well). You guys want to be ninja, then go buy land and wait for the government to come and try to take it and do what you have to in order to survive. That's the closest you'll ever get.

    Find a real martial art and stop playing martial artist on youtube, especially with someone so foolish leading your herd.

  6. I hope they're better than your question asking skills - how on earth are we supposed to tell without a link?

  7. Here is my 2 cents. 1 . drop the mask be proud. 2. Not to bad for self taught. 3. self taught gave you moves now work on what they are doing. 4. hold the handle a little lower and you will get alot more force.

    Good luck

  8. not too bad. u r about how i was as a beginner belt and that's pretty good for someone self taught. i really must say that it would be great for show if you could work on your speed just a little bit and exaggerate your moves more. like, i guess you could say chamber in a way. if you were to actually use it though i'd put more physical focus into it. remember, you can do punch-catches and do chops and punches with them. if you can do a heli(swing over the head) it would look kewl after a figure 8. If you can, take it in one hand and take it from one hip to another by letting it roll over your hand by letting go and then re-gripping it. One more thing, you're pretty good with one, but how do you do with 2? ;)

  9. Honestly not bad for self taught if you are going to just swing them around. I would lose the ninja mask, as it makes you just look silly.

    If you actually trie dto intimidate me with those moves though i would probably pull something laughing at it. Not at you but the moves. no one today has any idea how to really use them the way they were intended. they were never intended to be a mainly striking weapon, but used for locking and trapping techniques.

    Not ba djust remeber what you are doing is for show only.

  10. not too bad quite basic stuff but your learning and pretty good for self taught, keep it up  

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