It's mostly a reform on the executive branch. so: the president is chosen just like s/he is now except there will be less of a focus on their political sentiments and more of a focus on how good they are at pleasing the public. voters would go to vote in november, and would vote for, against, or neutral to various issues. The president's responsibility is to make sure these issues are resolved with the peoples' demands in mind. with a near tie, the president will have the responsibility of choosing the path that s/he believes is best for the country and its people. congress can impeach the president at any time, and the president will recieve an evaluation by the people every 4 years. If s/he revieves a disapproval rating greater than maybe 65%, s/he will be impeached, and the vice president would take over for the next term. the presidential nominee would not choose the vice president. the people would. any adjustments? do you hate it? any way I can buy an island and try it?