
What do you think of my playing?

by  |  earlier

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I made a lot of mistakes but I got sick of recording it over and over again. If you don't like it, tell me why.




  1. You are getting it, keep going.  You just need to work on your control and make the notes sound clear.  Listen to masters like BB King and Albert King and how clear they play the notes.  That's what you need to start working on.  Get the muffled sound out of your playing.  Keep going though, keep going!!

  2. you should keep the phrase going

    example..... at 0:06 you should start like you did at the beginning with one strum and then go into the other c**p

  3. Sorry man, but it didn't do nothing for me.  

    Pretty much 1:46 of the same thing.  You rock the same thing over and over again.  Which wouldn't be so bad, if the Riff had some type of direction.  It looks like you just discovered a half of a mode.  

    Anyway I'd work on giving your music directions.  You know intro, build, climax, resolve.  I'm not talking a whole song, but a riff.  Even in a little 5 note riff you have a direciton, and then resolve it, or have it lead into something else.  

    And also work on learning all the modes, so you can jam all over the guitar.

  4. it nahhh

    just errr..

    try something different?

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