
What do you think of my poem, Pandemonium?

by  |  earlier

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h**l-bent to live my life to its fullest

Stay out of Pandemonium’s way

You say that you are the cure for what I have

But I have nothing to be cured of.

Bleached and pale,

My fingers write these words while I

Freeze in the strangely cold fires

Of h**l. Pandemonium.

Didn’t I say early in my life

I would stay away from Pandemonium?

How did I slip up on my rule?

Why are things the way they are?

I slipped up, gave up,

Gave in to never return

Sad, now that I can’t.

Forever shall I ask myself:

Where did I go wrong?




  1. Nice.

    The answer to the question in the poem: "..where did I go wrong ?"  is that you gave up.

    Nice work.

  2. that was interesting

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