
What do you think of my poem? Fuzzy Little Creature Spotted in Obituary Column? ?

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Frightened was I when the little spider jumped

With one big leap he came off that stump

Looking around with his eyes turned

Observation revealed it was for me he yearned

Although he survives, falling snow and hard rain

My quick movements made his psyche pain

While I am amazed at his crafty exhibition

I have no thoughts of being his forthcoming nutrition

Reading my book from the next clump of grass

I noticed that spider drinking from my glass

That funny little creature crept closer by my side

Until he left me no quite place to hide

So I coaxed him on over, on my book let him ride

Flaunted the daily news right before his eyes

Silly little creature thought, “You’re waving the paper too high.”

But I swung it hard and heavy before he could say, “Good-bye.”

By: Millionairess

Elaine P's Skit reminded me of my poem.




  1. A cute giggle starter.  I thought you did it quite well.  Fun to read aloud.

    Have a star.

  2. Stirring...


  3. :) wow its really nice one, thank you for sharing. keep it up.

  4. Very cute and funny. I like the couplet format.

  5. Millionairess...

    Hi, long time no see! I loved your poem, but I have a somewhat different account on what happened. This is my version you can read to the kids!! See you soon and have a great day...


    Down came the spider creeping on a silver web

    I was a little frightened he barely missed my head

    I watched him ever closely as he was watching me

    I saw him with my own two eyes but he has eight to see

    He landed ever so quietly atop an old tree stump

    He eyed my glass of lemonade an apple red and plump

    I know he survived snow and cold the hardest driving rain

    He looks just like the spider who lives outside my windowpane

    My Aunt Charlotte spelled with her web she died so famously

    The Who has a song about Uncle Boris so sing along with me

    This pushy little arachnid I showed him no eye contact

    He jumped up quick upon my bench in anger he spat back

    Hey Lady, yes I'm talking to you how can you be so crass?

    I did not answer so he took a swig from my lemonade glass

    I didn't like his attitude he was getting so impolite

    He eyed my apple greedily he jumped then took a bite

    He said what are you reading what's the title of the book?

    I said cautiously I really don't know come over and take a look

    Why do you hold your book so low hold a rolled newspaper high?

    I came down with a mighty swat before he could say goodbye

    The moral of this story is clear and this is how it ends

    Ms Muffett is now a grown up and she got her sweet revenge!

  6. Very lovely!

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