
What do you think of my poem...?

by Guest45524  |  earlier

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This is not finished yet.

Awoke in a great fear

Hands sweating, eyes rolling

Knees numbs, hands shaking

Illusions overshadowed by loneliness

As the night gets weaker, my darkness goes steeper

Nowhere to turn, no hand in sight

Breath by breath

Tear by tear

Trying to fill this abyss




  1. i think it's good and it is pretty deep. wats it about?

  2. Try

    Waking in fear

    Hands sweating, eyes rolling

    Knees numbs, hands shaking

    Pretense of happiness

    consumed by loneliness

    As the night wanes weaker

    my darkness grow deeper

    Nowhere to turn, no hand in sight

    Breath by breath

    Tear by tear

    Trying to fill this abyss

  3. I like it. (:

    It's very deep & I'm getting vivid images.

    Really good.

  4. that's deep.

  5. I like it! Im just wondering how can ur eyes be rolling?

  6. pretty good. =)

  7. Woah.

    Every single word I read, I could relate so closely to it.

    This is a wonderful poem, finished or not.

    Definitely a thumbs up.

  8. If I could have written a poem as good as this every time I awoke in a sweat, gasping for air, I wouldn't have minded those anxiety attacks as much. Sadly, you are all too right. "This is not finished yet."

  9. Nicely done, sad and meaningful, can definitely relate to this emptiness in loneliness!!  Cheers !!

  10. Interesting.  A little dark, but dark poetry definitely has a value.

    Hope you will post the finished product.

  11. Another star effort, J. Not perfect, but still, a solid poetic expression.

  12. i like it! the only thing i would correct is the double use of the hand description in lines 2 and 3.

    awesome! keep writing!

  13. I love the poem especially the nowhere to turn,no hand in sight  breath by breath tear by tear

  14. scale 1-10


  15. I like the darkside & This is be about as dark as the abyss......It needs a little bit more work

    It sorta remincs me of the Abbott & Costello Sketch.............Slooooowwwly I turn.... Step by Step

    From the Susquahannah Hat Company

  16. Wow, not bad. I like it. :-)

  17. Good description. You might want to divide S1, L2 to balance the meter.

  18. Sweet, dark poetry. Not bad at all [:

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