
What do you think of my poem "The book and the Symbol?

by  |  earlier

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sorry i had to put a link here becase it was just over the limit of words i think its very good it makes you think here it is




  1. I love it. Bloody brilliant! So evocative and the imagery? Wow! Wonderful work...thank you for sharing!

  2. i liked it was to religious.

    dont put to much religion un poems.....put symbols.

    because not everyone has the same religion.

    im not Christen.

    but even though, i think it was really nice.

    it does make u think more,

  3. It appears that you have some pretty intriguing thoughts and some understanding of God's providence in seemingly helpless situations.

    When she didnt understand the text  ( assuming it is the Bible) that showed her lostness and need of the savior.  I would have like a happy ending but sometimes a hanger is necessary.   Very cool

    As for the actual flow of the poem,  restructuring the lines would help with the audience have an easier time reading.  Try to make it so it can be read through with a steady beat.  

    THanks and have a blessed day.

  4. It is really deep and it makes you think if god saved her and does he save everyone or just the ones he knows can turn around and why would he do that if she sinned it makes you look at anna from the inside not the outside if you looked at the outside you would see a emo sinner but if you look on the inside you see a girl trying to escape from her sisters shadow she is just trying to be drifferent but she cant

  5. Fother Mucker!

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