
What do you think of my poem-type writing?

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There comes a point in your life when everything becomes too much. When you can’t handle another second of having to do it all…when you are suffocating because there is not even enough space around you. There comes a point in your life when everything becomes too much.

There comes a point in your life when you realize it has all been a lie. When you can’t even understand what has been going on…when everything you know, everything you thought you knew disappears. There comes a point in your life when you realize it has all been a lie.

There comes a point in your life when you just forget it all. When the sadness, the sorrow, the pain swallows everything you know…when you suddenly cannot remember anything but the sadness, the sorrow, the pain. There comes a point in your life when you just forget it all.

There comes a point in your life when you realize the truth. When it is so apparent, you kick yourself for not realizing it sooner…when you just know that the sadness, the sorrow and the pain are everything you’ve ever known, everything you know, and everything you’ll ever know. There comes a point in your life when you realize the truth.

There comes a point in your life when everything shifts. When the world is no longer what it used to be…when you are more afraid than you have ever been in your life, and you know that nothing will ever change that. There comes a point in your life when everything shifts. And that is the worst point ever... and there's no going back...




  1. I've been to that point, and all others like it. A point we're you see from whence you came, that there is no return. From that point you have to look onwards, plan accordingly and make your wishes come true, and make your troubles fade, then there is a new point. A high point. The best point of life there is. Success.

    I've never been one for poems with repeated lines, but I think it was a wonderful display of your honest emotions. Quite time-consuming to read, it could use shortening.

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