
What do you think of my political bumper sticker?

by  |  earlier

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"Draft the Prius Drivers First"




  1. LOVE IT right on the money

  2. It is great!!

  3. I have a better one:

    "Hybrids create dangerous Smug emissions"

  4. Interesting, even more so considering the different meanings of draft.  Are you meaning the draft like in auto racing, or draft like into the Army!!  Personally I like the second meaning better!!

  5. Yeah. Definitly. That makes sense. Those that want to save the world should be the first to die. That sounds like a really good plan.

  6. OK! Whats a Prius?

  7. Thank God someone finally said it!!

  8. Dont get it

  9. very cool. i steal your water by the way lol.

  10. LOVE IT!!

  11. yawnnnnnnnn!

  12. it's not that funny.

  13. sick, wherd u get it

  14. 'YOU SUCK!' What do YOU think of MY political bumper sticker? "Draft the Prius Drivers First" is too wordy and requires too much thought leading, well, nowhere! What ARE you trying to say? That Prius drivers are disloyal or unpatriotic and should pay with their lives by being drafted? Too much thought: A good bumper sticker is clear, concise and to the point like, 'YOU SUCK!'

  15. I'm not getting the logic or the humor. Does this mean that if a kid on the street wants to stay out of trouble, do the right thing, stand by his christian beliefs of not killing, loving thy neighbor as thyself that you feel they should be forced out into the streets to commit a crime.Actually, I do get it now. This is exactly what happens to people when people like you get what you want. Yes, I do like it & would love to see people have it on their cars cause even though I have a strong connection with my inner guidance it would be so easy to see what a person's intentions are if they drove a car with that on it.

  16. I would like it better if it said " Why should I press 1 for english"

  17. What, you angry someone can afford a gas efficient vehicle? Get off welfare and you may be able to buy one to.

  18. It's perfect for people who only think about themselves and don't give a **** about their country.

  19. Mehhhh. It should be "Draft the hummer drivers first"

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