
What do you think of my post on what really happened on 911?

by  |  earlier

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The real story, some day it will be proved.

Actually I got my answer from an un named source who wishes to remain anonymous on the threat of death, I shouldnt be telling you this either.

The CIA has a secret skunk works factory that can produce some amazing things.

1) They actually produced planes made out of cardboard to hit those buildings at the same time explosives went off inside of them. Thats why you could not find any pieces of the planes or people found strapped into their seat belts.

2)All that white stuff you see on peoples faces and the huge clouds of it in the air, were dropped from a high flying plane 100,000 feet up where it couldnt be seen, it was ash scopped up from an active volcanoe.

3) The CIA skunk works also has made a hurricane machine that President Bush used to wipe out N.O., and there is enough power left in it to cause a typhoon which will be used again soon before he leaves office.

4)Those films of you seeing people jumping out of the twin towers is all bogus, they were dummies thrown from windows.

5) There is a famous magician involved in this entire scenario, but under threat of death if he ever speaks about it, and his body would never be found.

Last of all, I am out of here, because a predator plane just went by my window why I was typing this, ldouweiwenlqrwe0 lddee321-==[';

11 minutes ago - Edit - Delete


If I told you I would be dead, OH sht, hear it comes again,

Keep all this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay under your hat please.





  1. your crazy


  2. I am scared.

  3. s***w you man this isnt funny and just offesnive.  

  4. i agree. what the h**l is this?

  5. well .. you got a few things right

    1. the cia did it

    2. the cia will do it again to install mcain.. but only if the cia front dibold cant rig the elections thru electronic voting (again)

    the us govt has been hijacked by the people that pull the bush puppet strings..

    that would be daddy bush.. the new world order.. the bildenburger type people .. the skull and bones guys...

    hate to tell you this.. but they killed the kennedys too..

  6. dude...whatever your smokin'.......get me some!! haha

  7. You left out the most important parts. The CIA now takes orders from Elvis and JFK. Elvis and JFK take orders from Israel and Israel takes orders from Yeti and the second shooter on the grassy knoll.  Yeti takes orders from The Mother Ship in the sky.

  8. I think you should use it to clean your azz.

  9. call the doctor, bob.  i think he needs to up your meds.

  10. hahahaha wow you might be on to something!

    you seriously believe that? what a joke.

  11. As usual, reasoned argument from one who believes the official story.

    Wouldn't it be great if one day they actually answered a real question, instead of resorting to parody and insult.

    For example, explain why there is no video of a plane hitting one of the most surveilled buildings in the world, etc, etc,-

    real simple questions.

  12. what the h**l have you been smoking ?  mannnn !    if you say c.i.a did all this damage ?  what reason would they do that for ? and look at how many dead people there is ?   gosh, you,re an insane man !   you better quit smoking that weeds , mannnn !  

  13. Whatever medication you are taking ISN'T WORKING!!!

    Calm down, sit down, pick up the telephone, and call your psychiatrist for an appointment.  

  14. I think you are a nut with a vivid imagination. You should move to Hollywood where you would fit right in.

  15. You forgot to mention that the skunk works is located in area 51 where we are using alien technology to make the hurricane maker and the holograms (not cardboard airplanes that would just be silly) that hit the towers.  Unfortunately this opened up a rift in time that allowed a bird from the future to come to our time to infect the world with the bird flu.

  16. I think that it was all a conspiracy theory to cover up something

  17. i just hope they never release the trained attack butterflies.

  18. I think you need to take your medication...........

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