
What do you think of my question to Hiring Managers? Homeschool Vs. Public School... :-)?

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Hello all!

The one answer (you'll know which) to this question;_ylt=AmQVU_Ek_2hx.dxEKWoJ1zbAxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20080110191942AAiTcsn

... inspired me to ask "Hiring Mgrs: All else being equal, who would you hire - homeschooled or public student?" In the Careers and Employment Section.

Here is my question:;_ylt=Ag0p.QHYTOgdSmjW1n0i2B7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080111055635AAuUv74

... if you want to take a look at the answers that are coming in.




  1. all the links make it a little confusing to navigate around and get what you are trying to say.

    as far as hiring for management positions; i am being trained as manager now because of my ability to connect with people and communicate what needs communicated. (FYI, I'm home-schooled) they know this and because of my attitude, they are exited to have me on their team. don't know if that answers your Q. but hope it helped.

  2. Good question.  

    I am a lawyer because I got tired of being a brain surgeon after retiring as a fashion model at the age of 25 after making my fortune as a rock singer in my teens.  

    I guess you get my drift.     I'm not a hiring manager so I can't answer the question....but I have my doubts about the guy who answered the original question and does not consider a homeschool graduate as a potential employee.   If he is telling the truth about being a manager, it is sad.   My bet is that he ain't one.

  3. It is a good question. Though I've never hired or fired, I have been in on the process at a few jobs. Never once has someones mode of schooling come up. Their level of education, their job experience and (here is where I, a mere lackey usually give input) how the applicant presents themselves and if they'd work well with our team. My husband is in a position where he does all the hiring for his business and again, it would never be an issue. As a homeschool dad he might find a homeschool background interesting, but it would not be a reason to discriminate against other applicants who were otherwise educated. We've both worked in hospital settings and neither surgeons, nurses, techs, aids or transporters are ever questioned about the method of their primary or secondary education. So long as they have said education and have made it through the often rigorous training required for their respective fields, they are considered equally with other applicants.

  4. I think it's a great question.  As for the original answer about trashing homeschool apps...not only is it highly discriminatory, it's a practice that deprives the company of some great employees.

    I've been a hiring manager at some insurance brokerages, and I've been a broker that has sold the policies that would cover a company against discrimination and unfair hiring/firing practices (Employment Practices Liability).  I can tell you, first hand, that such a practice would not be acceptable to any insurance company providing this coverage, and would likely leave a business uncovered in the case of a lawsuit.  Not a good thing.

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