actually my plan is quite simple it requires the building of no new wind farms, solar plants, nuclear plants, hydro-electric plants, or even any more ethanol farming or even pumping any co2 into the ground (which will just lead to more problems in the future). my plan requires no new technologies and will completly solve our climate crisis. my plan is to replace all current gas powered, ethanol, or even hybrid vhiecles with fully electric "plugin" cars. we can keep all our current green energy plants (solar, hydro, nuclear, wind etc) but add a technology already inplace in a "dirty" energy plant in arizona, no not pumping greenhouse gasses into the ground but quite simply plankton(and algea etc), yes what they are doing is pumping all the co2 into tanks of plankton, they feed of the gas and relase pure oxygen. so now we have clean electricity to power our clean cars.
this is only a base plan which i will be evolving into a full on essay thanks