
What do you think of my scrapbooking?

by Guest66786  |  earlier

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well, i am on strict bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy, so to help past my time, i scrapbooked all day today. for the first time. here is a sample of some of my few pages, tell me what you think. oh, and what are some other activities i can do? bed rest is soo boring.




  1. I think it looks great! Your little boy is so handsome and he is quite the camera ham, eh?

  2. I LOVE your layouts!  They're awesome! You're son is adorable!

    Congratulations on your pregnancy I'm sorry you're on bedrest.  Some ideas of things you can do:

    Go onto and pick out some cards that you can write out and send for the future months, this when you're busy with the baby, the cards are ready for when you need them.  Like if you have some at home already or you can order some online, fill out the b'day, anniversary, etc cards for the next few months and address them, and stamp them, so when you're busy when the baby comes, all you have to do is drop them in the mail.

    Read some books and magazines.

    Have some rent some movies for you

    Crossword, word find, and other puzzle books

    Ask some friends to come visit you, and do a picnic lunch!  Even if it's on a Saturday, pick a day when your friends are around, have them lay a towel or something on the bed so you're not sitting/lying in crumbs and ask them to pick up sandwiches and drinks and to come over to hang out and catch up! Have a girl's afternoon and hang out before the baby comes.

    Play some board games with other family members, cards, games, etc.

    Go online and look up some things you've always wondered about, e-mail friends you haven't had a chance to talk to.

    Write letters or cards to catch up with those you haven't talked to.

    Do you know how to knit?  You can do that.

    You can do a calendar scrapbook of one year for the baby.  Start with month that the baby's due, and do a layout on one side, leaving the spot for the pictures, and on the other side, there is the calendar page where you can put the month and the dates, and the fill in all the important dates, like first bath, first tooth, etc.  There are places online that sell calendar pages that are blank, they have the squares and you put in the month and the days and dates.  I usually do the layouts on the left and the calendar on the right.  

    When I do these kind of albums, I call them baby's first year and I start with the month the baby's born and do the layout with the birth of the baby and the stats like the birth time, weight, length, etc,  for May I do Mother's Day, June I do Father's Day, and then of course the holiday months etc.  September has Grandparent's day, so I do a layout for that and I leave blanks a little larger than 4x6 by either a half inch or an inch to put the pictures there when the mom and dad have them.  You can leave 2 or 3 spaces blank for them.  This way the album is ready for when you have the baby and all you have to do is fill in the firsts and all the important events.  You can do a siblings page, mommy and me, daddy and me, grandparents and me, and then do the holidays as the first, etc.

    I hope some of these ideas help and that the rest of your bed rest time goes by quickly!  Feel good and Congratulations!!

  3. I'm a professional scrapbooker and for your first time you are AMAZING!!!  And some other activities you could do are reading, searching on the internet, writing etc.

  4. It looks great!! Congrats on the pregnancy!

    As far as more activities you can do: keep scrapbooking! Organize your pictures, watch old movies that you love and haven't got a chance to watch in a while, paint your nails (get the organic type of nailpolish as to not hurt the baby), read a good book, try some crazy makeup ideas (all you need is some fun eyeshadow colors and a hand held mirror).. etc etc.

    Good luck!

  5. Very nice, and the kid is adorable.

    I love to make jewelry, and you can buy a piece of foam to do the work on so the beads don't jump around or off into the bead with you, there is one in the bead section for this purpose. . Go to Michaels, they teach you how to use a crimp bead to secure the ends of the jewelry, from there it is pretty self explanatory. You need a clasp, jewelry wire[not plain wire] the beads, a wire cutter and jewelry pliers. The foam thing is optional, and buy a bead board to lay the beads out, and crimp beads. .

    Find somebody to run to Michaels or hobby lobby that knows a little, and have them pick up some stuff. And Michals website has pictures of examples you can copy.

    It would make a great gift for folks that have been helping out during your pregnancy.OOps, gootta go, my weather bug is flashing, and it just cut loose raining. I'll try and come back, there are lots of crafts you can do in bed.

  6. i think it's g*y.

  7. I LOVE it, i cna never find the time though- if i werent chasing my son around i'd totally do it like all day lol. i think you've done great work. my friend and i got together to do some scrap booking one day and it didnt go so well as my son was about6 months old or so and was keeping us busy lol

    crocheting a blanket or some clothes, you can learn and even pickk up some patterns online. tried to learn that too but i'm still getting the hang of it

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