
What do you think of my secret?

by  |  earlier

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"I sometimes wish there was a person as shallow as me."





  1. Go socialize and you'll probably meet someone as shallow as you.

  2. The fact you feel as though you are the world's most shallow person guarantees that you are not all that shallow. The truly shallow individual would not give it a second thought, and if their shallowness were pointed out to them, they would feel they were not so.

  3. I don't think you need to wish, there are tons of people that are shallow. I'm glad I'm not. Why would you want to be ?

  4. dont worry the world is almost full of similar people.

  5. not a bad secret. we all wish for similar things in life to feel comfortable

  6. There are plenty

  7. dont getme wrong by saying this but if you have a shallow boyfriend or something nothing good is going to happen out of it. youl both be focusing on the outside and not wat makes you a good person

  8. I think  a lot of people wish that ..

    it's sad but very true in my opinion.  

  9. Don't worry, there are many like you and me and if they are higher now, dont think at one time they were not in your shoes. Everything starts from the lowest and then goes to the highest. So if they are not shallow now, dont think that at one time or another, they were not walking in your shoes. No one is starts off perfect, but they end that way, so accept your self as you are, you are right where you are suppose to be, as you continue to grow and grow. You are on the right track because you are at least aware of it and not covering it up like some people and then they end up staying on that level for lives and lives

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