
What do you think of my singing?

by  |  earlier

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My mum tells me i'm hopeless, my sisters and some of my friends tell me I'm quite good and others have never heard me. I just really want to know what people think of me in general and if I have a good voice, and if anyone could categorize my voice , it would be great! [alto, soprano..] .

I made a few mistakes in this song but oh's the link :) and thank you x :




  1. Honest opinion?

    You're not bad - but not great either.


    Average singer - Sounds like someone singing in the shower.

  2. erm your not great......... but dont give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. You've got a nice tone to your voice, and you are able to keep in tune and key, that's the main thing =) If you want to improve, singing lessons would help you with technique.

    It's impossible to catagorise your voice type just by listening to you singing a contemporary song (see here: ) but female vocal ranges are a little like this:

    Soprano: approx. C4-C6

    Mezzo-Soprano: approx. A3-A5

    Contralto: G3-G5

  4. Yeah sounds pretty good to me.

    Why don't you try and get some singing lessons to make it even better?

  5. Mabey if you made your voice a bit deeper. you would sound ok then. hope you can show mum that your not hopeless!

  6. Well your ok you should be like in a choir but defiantly not something that you should make a career out of!!

    I think that you sound like a high alto!!

  7. You sound alright, it sounds like you sing though your nose. and when you started off you sound a little flat, or it could be the song you was singing. Your not a bad singer, but I think you should take voice lesson to improve.

  8. Your quite good. Keep practising if its something you consider as a career choice and maybe get a voice coach?

  9. Too stilted.

    I wouldn't buy you music put it that way.

    maybe if you got some coaching, you never know.

  10. your not bad. You should get singing lessons and join chorus if u havent already.

    I want to become a singer too, im 13.

    Be my friend on piczo? i sent u an invitation :)

  11. hi your voice sounds ok but maybe some lessons would strengthen it - im no expert though!

    Good luck for the future

  12. You have a very sweet voice but i think you could be better ,try singing lessons as theres definatly something nice about your voice

  13. Your not bad- above average, but singing lessons would help.Most  good singers still need lessons to make them perfect.

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