
What do you think of my situation?

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Well I am a sophomore in high school and I am stuck in this crappy situation. I went to private school all my life. For freshman year I went to this alternative education style type of school. At my old school where I went of Elementary and middle, I always got Bs and As on my report card and one C. I haven't failed any of my classes. This alternative education school thought I should be held back and do 8th grade work again while still get credits for high school. this is very common in this school. There was this girl who was also a freshman, and they put her back all the way to 5th grade work! Anyways, so I ended up learning nothing at all and just repeated my whole middle school year worth of work. The school is kind of behind compared to the one school I went to for elementary and middle school. Now I transferred to a public school, this is the first public school I ever attended. But now, with most of my classmates, from the schools i went fro kinder-8th grade, are in AP classes and Honor classes and are ahead doing geometry or Algebra 2 and chemistry and all that. Thanks to the school I went to for freshman year, I'm stuck doing Algebra 1 with the freshmans, and one girl who looks like she should be a Junior. I'm also stuck doing Biology, luckily there isn't much freshmans there, maybe one or two. But I am seriously bothered by this, I feel like I'm really behind. this is going to the be second time I did Algebra 1. I already took it in eight grade and passed with a C, while that alternative school put me back to pre-algebra which I did in 7th grade, now I'm doing Algebra 1 again. I feel like giving up all together. During freshman year, I didn't take ANY freshman courses. This got me so frustrated. What do you think of my situation, is this going to effect transcript for college? I do talk to my mom about it but she doesn't listen, I told my counselor about the math situation and all, and she said they thought I wasn't ready. What can I do? I'm stuck with freshmans in math class, I'm doing classes I could of gotten over with, I could of been doing Honors classes and all that. I feel so behind! : (




  1. is not that bad ids just math

  2. see if the school has placement tests and if u could do them as a new student and if so tell ur mom that's what u want to do mention it to ur counselor and and see if u can set up a day to do them and those depend on ur scores what classes u get into

  3. try going to the counselors at your new school and telling them your story and see what they have to say about it ...they may find that you have the credits already and put you where you need to be..good luck

  4. If you think you can make the grade, ask to get STAR tested.  They tried to put me in 'special' classes because my file folder had Autistic wirtten in it.  My tested IQ going into 9th grade (freshman year) was 140+.  Even then dad had to take it all the way to the district offices, and promised them that if they didnt back down and let me be with the  -normal- kids (love that word), they could expect a media circus when he filed charges of violation of my rights under the ADA of1990, they backed down.  The whole point is that the only way you are going to get  what you want is to stand up and push the admin into it.  Ever hear "it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease"??  Start squeaking.  Let me know how it goes, cuz i know you can do it.  I did.

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