
What do you think of my taggie baby blanket i made for my little one. do u think they look good enough 2 sell?

by Guest58272  |  earlier

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  1. That is so cute!  I think you could sell it.

  2. is a good place to sell handmade things online.  The cost is very minimal to set up shop there.  Check them out and see what you think.

    As to your blanket, are those loops big enough for a wee one to stick a hand through?  That's what I'd be concerned about.  If you sew up the sides of each loop, you'll still have chewable tabs (chewable for a baby, of course) but they won't be inviting a hand or foot getting stuck.  

    Other than the safety issue, yes, it's a cute blanket idea.  As long as th ribbons are thoroughly washable, I think it should sell as well as any other baby blanket.  Have fun with it.

  3. AAww..very cute! I think you could sell them. They would, most likely, sell better in person. I sell online (antiques) and do not accept any handcrafted items, as they just do not sell well online. People seem to have much better luck selling handmade items in person. Good luck!

  4. That is very cute.  I think you could sell it.  Its great keep up the good work!!!

  5. They're adorable and youve just given me inspiration for a gift for a friend. maybe you should check out your local markets and set up a stand. im sure they'd sell well.

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