This is the script, please, pelase, pelase, make any changes you feel necesary! Thank you!!!!!
i am often asked, both by my friends, and by my enemies, why i am a
republican. "it's 2008.....why are you still a republican?" is what I
often hear.
"you can't even vote" they say.
Of course, it can't be answered in one sentence. even two minutes is a
strectch. but since i live in america, the greatest country on earth,
where freedom of speech is a certainty, not a question mark, i think
i'll give it a try.
i am a republican because i realize that winning is tough, but defeat is
even tougher.
i am a republican because i like to keep my money, and prefer lower
taxes over higher.
i am a republican because i can walk outside anytime i like and tell
people what i beleive, and realize who has made that possible, and i
thank the veterans of this great country every oppurtunity i get
i am a republican because nobody's ever worked for a poor man.\