
What do you think of my website, honestly tell me the good and bad.?

by  |  earlier

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I made a website and I can't seem to get people interested in it. I know its lacking in some content, but I am curious what I should add or take away. Where would you take this website if it was yours. Go to : , and tell me what you think. Let me know what is the good and bad. I need critics, and i won't get offended. I just need a clue on what to do. This is a hobby website btw and it has nothing to do with my usual occupation.




  1. I think its set up great, but id just use a black or solid color backround if you dont want to do that get a better pic to use its sorta blurry. The heading is a little to big as well (it says Legacy of kain) takes up to much space at the top. other then that good job

  2. Nice website I agree with everything the first person said so lets see what I would say umm definitly make the heading smaller its way to big. It would look awesome if instead of where it says Legacy of Kain you could have a collage of video game characters then put

    I would also think it would be cool if you had a cool slogan to go with it like Gamestop has "Power to the Players" you dont need to do it but I would do it for fun. Also I think the middle of the page is to empty so I would definitly decrease the overall width of the page. The menu links look nice so theres not much I can say on that.

    To sum it up:

    Get a smaller nice looking heading/banner that says "Gameweblinks" and a slogan on it

    and Decrease the width of the page.

    Also if you don't have Photoshop to make the banner for your site you could offer a contest to your members of the site and choose the best one.

  3. The website looks fine. There are 2 reasons people might not be interested.

    1. They don't know about you. If this is the case, post on every gaming forum that you know, but don't talk about your site. That would be spamming. Instead, just join in the conversations and use your website name and description as your signature in posts.

    2. They don't need the information, or they're already getting it elsewhere. If this is the case, you need to add something they can't get anywhere else.


  4. I'm not really sure what your site is supposed to be about. Is it a Facebook portal, a Gamer hangout, a Review site, Cheats... What? Focus...

    Your own logo is minuscule compared to "Legacy of Kain". Are you "Legacy of Kain", or "GameWebLinks

    Background is OK, though wasted because it's covered up.

    I'd try to get all your sub-head boxes to line up. Get rid of your comments about figuring out how to do things. Be the expert, not the newbie. Project positive energy.

    Load each of your sub-heads with Content related to the Heading. People won't stumble upon your site by accident. They'll be looking for something you can provide. Get your content bulked up.

    Your Adsense unit gets Google to look at your site. It just needs content to search through.

    What do your visitors get for becoming members? I saw 18 visitors there... Why should they become a member? Offer them something of value, and they'll stay a bit longer. Your FAQ tells me I don't get much of anything that I can't get easier somewhere else. How do I get to be a "trusted" member?

    Decide on the ONE thing you want the site to be, and then Be It.

    Good Luck

  5. Since you ask for the worst critic, I will do that for you.

    In my own opinion, it is really bad.

    1) no salescopy; what are you selling? It the words that sell, not the graphic and design - you have only 4 seconds to tell your visitor about your site. I don't even know what is your site about.

    2) website is a mess; it is not simple and clean, too much stuff all over place and is very distracting, and hard to navigate

    3) website is too wide; no one can read wider than 650 point width, forcing me to move my head left and right

    4) foreground hovering over the background, very distracting.

    As soon as I see a site like that, I just move on to next one.

    That is my honest opinion.

  6. To get search engines to find your website

    you need to put sign posts for them to find you.

    search for writing META TAGS to learn how to make those work  for your site.

    I see many words in your META TAGS but they aren't focused on your audience. Put your content words like "game names" and "character names" ahead of words like "new" and "headlines" and "blog"

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