
What do you think of name Hadlee or Hadley for a girl name?

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Husband really likes Hailey, but I think this name is

much less common and sounds pretty as well. In my sons school alone, there were at least 3 Haileys in each grade! Beatiful name but no longer unique. Does Hadlie (spelling??) sound feminine?




  1. its ok but its kind of more of a boys name

  2. It does sound feminine and I think it is more unique than Hailey.  There are lots of Hailey's but never met a Hadley.  It is very pretty. Good luck!

  3. Lady, bad idea. Your kid will be teased like crazy. Consider something along the lines of Hailey, Hattie, Heidi, or Hayden, but for your kids sake PLEASE don't name her Hadley.

  4. I actually love the name Hadlee!!!!!! Also theirs Hayden also a pretty name!!!!!!! They both sound amazing with the middle name Sophia!!!!!!!! I hope I helped & congratulations!!!!!!!!!

  5. I know a girl named Hadley and i love the name. Hadlie sounds feminine.

  6. no offense but i think that it sounds like a masculine name

  7. Hadleigh

    would suit a girl if spelt like this

    Such a pretty , cute name

    I love it


  8. hadley/hadlee is good, but it still sounds kind of boyish. how about harlie or harlee?

  9. When i read Hadlie in my head I automatically thought 'Bradley'!!! Yes i think it's a masculine name. How about Hallie (Hal-e). x*x Also u'v spelt Hadlee 3 diffrent ways, I would go with the spelling Hadlee. Good luck x*x

  10. I think Hadley is adorable! I know a girl named Hadley and she is the most feminine girl I know! It's really cute and much better than Hailey

  11. I've known girls with that name before. It's pretty. :]

  12. No. It sounds manly to me. I looked in my baby name book and it is listed as a baby name for boys AND girls with similar meanings.

    Hadley (girl) (English)= From the field of heather.

    Hadley (boy) (English)= From the heather meadow.

    But then again, it also has names like Star, Jayden, Zoom, Pink, Phoenix.... I actually looked, it does have those names.


    EDIT: I agree completely with Erin.

  13. I like Hardee.  They make good burgers.  ( Carl's JR on the west coast.)

  14. Sounds like yet another "ey" ending name among the ten million. It screams of exactly what you explained...somebody liking Hailey but wanting to be unique.  Sorry.  

  15. I love it!  Hadley would be an awesome alternative to Hailey.  I actually really like the idea of using last names as first names (Hadley being more common as one, I think).

    I like the spelling Hadley the best too.  It looks the cleanest and, when she's older, the most professional one to me.  Hadlee and Hadlie look a little too cutesy for me.  Since it's pretty uncommon, it already has a cool, unique flair to it so I don't think the spelling has to be twisted around too much.  

    And I honestly don't see it as masculine, I see it as cool and spunky.  Love it.

    Good luck, congrats!!

  16. It sounds like a guys name to me. I used to know a guy with that name.

  17. I think Hadley sound masculine.  Not a name I'd use for a girl.  How about Holly or  Heidi ?

  18. hailey is an amazing name

  19. Not really, but I don't think Peyton sounds feminine either and look how popular that has become. Halle/Hallie would be a cute option too.

  20. It sounds like one of those masculine girls' names - like Jordan, Morgan, etc.

  21. I love Hadley! It's one of my favorites. I agree with how Hailey is too popular. The reasons why I love this is name is how it isn't too feminine so it sounds strong and the fact that it isn't popular; its unique and special (one of a kind). Here are some combos for you:

    Hadley Clare/Clair/Claire

    Hadley Josephine/Josephene

    Hadley Alexis

    Hadley Olivia

    Hadley Jaylen

    Hadley Sophia/Zofia

    Hadley Danielle/Daniele

    Hadley Lindsay/Lyndsey

    Hadley Imogen (im-owe-guhn)

    Hadley Nicole/Nikole

    Hadley Shawn/Sean

    Hadley Shana/Shawna/Shauna

    Hadley Kellen

    Hadley Luca/Luka

    Hadley Emma

    Hadley Alyse/Elise

    Hadley Oran/Oren

    Hadley Isabella/Isabel

    Hadley Jules

    Hadley Deandra (dee-an-dra)

    Hadley Evan

    Hope I Help! Great Names!

    Good Luck

  22. I like Hailey MUCH better.  But Hadley is better than Hadlee

  23. I like Hadlee i think its real cute! good  luck!!  

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