
What do you think of northern irish accents?

by  |  earlier

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im from co.armagh, so if ya know the southern armagh accent then comment on that plz




  1. love them

    especially fermanagh some people think its a bit of a  culchie accent lol but i like it.

    i prefer accents around fermanagh and armagh,  to ones like belfast accent.

  2. its an accent that would sell sand to the arabs lol

  3. love them, love all Irish accents

  4. cute

  5. No problem with them.

  6. Very s**y!

  7. not very nice to be honest no prob with the people jus the accent hehe

  8. love it

  9. Sure the wee ones love it......

    Now go away and give my head peace......

  10. I rather like them; I'm American, but I understand the broad regional distinctions. Not finely enough to distinguish North Armagh from South, but I know Donegal from Derry easily enough.

    I enjoy the Western Scottish sound of the Belfast accents, while being fully aware of the cultural and historical reasons for that.

  11. bloody awful to be honest

  12. I have a Derry/Galway accent! I love Northern Irish accents because it reminds me of home!

    My Derry friends make fun of my 'Galway' accent


    My Galway friends make fun of my 'Derry' accent.

    I can't win!!

    I love Armagh accents!!

    Especially that little girl that was on the Late Late Toy Shows accent! It was so cute!!

  13. Very strong and sometimes hard to follow.

  14. I love them!

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