
What do you think of our chances now?

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Now Sean Long has left the Great Britain squad to go back home (he left on his own accord)amid accusations of drinking and gambling, which have been strongly denied by the Great Britain management, wht do you think of our chances now of winning the Tr-Naitions Tournament?




  1. same has they were before ,no is time people realised the current,g.b team is not good decent halfbacks,second rate centres,but worst of all a  lack of ideas.

  2. I thought with him we had no chance, so, i cant change my mind, by the way, i am English, so its not sour grapes, the side just is not strong enough in my mind.

  3. I don't think Sean Long would make a difference ether way. To make the final, Great Britain has to beeat Australia again. And then to beat them in the final would make 3 wins. Realistically, I can't see Great Britain beating Australia again, let alone two more times.

  4. They were nil before, and are absolutely zero now

    (with thanks to Murray Walker)

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