
What do you think of pakistan's future?

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pakistan is going through real bad time right now but do you think pakistan will become a super power one day?




  1. i think if it gets power it will be like GERMANY,NORTH KOREA,RUSSIA,NORTH VIETNAM..

    thats what i think they'll do take over the neighbors or the world.

  2. Bleak... It will only go from bad to worse until one day the us, india or some other country deciedes to take over...

  3. The answerer above has said what a lot of us are thinking. Some countries should never have too much power while ever they are run by such people

  4. i don't think pakistan can progress unless they get rid of religious fanatics and islamic fundamentalism, but if they do inspite of this, i personally would not like to see pakistan as a superpower because if the nuke button is controlled one day by fundamentalists , it will lead to end of this planet as a consequence of world war III

  5. Not the way it's going. The country is a complete basket case.

  6. INSHALLAH INSHALLAH One day PAKISTAN will be a no1 team in the world.bcz they r Muslim they beleive on one ALLAH.and very soon INSHALLAH the whole world will be in the grip of MUSLIMS.PAKISTAN IS BEST........

  7. Bright.

  8. Secularism first buddy! When you have people hijacking planes and blowing themselves up in the name of Allah, you know you have a problem.

  9. its going to get more bad for pakistan

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